who me? jealous? nah never

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T- Comfort, Orange, kinda Lime idrk if it's considered that though

Warning:  Profanity


Present Time

"AAAAAGH I QUIT! IT'S IMPOSSIBLE!" Kuroo whined as he fell back onto the couch and rested his head back.  "IT'S NOT FAIR!"

"Talk about dramatic," y/n scoffed as she sat down onto the couch beside him.  She curled one leg up and turned her body towards him while resting her elbow on the top of the couch cushion.  

"How is it even possible that you never get jealous?" he rolled his head over, looking completely defeated, and squinted his eyes at the h/c haired girl who was trying to hold in her laughter.  "DON'T LAUGH AT ME! ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION!"

"Who told you I don't get jealous?" y/n said with a mocking smile spread across her face.  Meanwhile, Kuroo displayed a dropped jaw as he was completely dumbfounded that she wasn't even aware of her own density.

"Seriously?  I've tried everything.  Every.  Possible.  Thing.  And nothing's worked," the dark-haired boy sat up in his seat and turned his body to face her.

"Oh really?  Like what?" she asked with a fake innocent expression, earning a glare from the bed-headed boy who began to lift his middle finger.



Exhibit A:

Today was the day Kuroo decided that he wanted to try something on y/n.  It seemed to him that there was nothing that really bothered her, so, he wanted to push her buttons and test a few things out.  

Kuroo is pretty good friends with a girl in his Physics class, Haruno Sakura.  He thought that she would be the perfect person for this task...

"Hey, Haruno-chan, are you free after school today to work on our project?" he asked eagerly.

"Uh-yea I am, but I thought you weren't.  You said you had something to do today, did you not?" she inquired.

"Yea well I had a change of plans and I'm free now.  So?"

Sakura cocked an eyebrow at his suspicious statement, but shook it off and said, "Sure, meet me outside after school's over."

YES!  Okay, now everything's set up.  Now all I have to do is tell y/n about it and cancel our plans.  The dark-haired boy took out his phone and typed a message canceling his plans with his girlfriend.  Alright, now for a response, assuming that I get one, he frowned profusely, remembering the possibility that she might just ignore him if she's angry.  Poor boy really didn't think this through.

Meanwhile, y/n had noticed the message and thought, Oh, bummer.  I even bought new shoes for this one.  For a split second, she was disappointed, however, she immediately realised that the Kuroo she knew wouldn't have canceled plans in this manner.  If anything, he'd be dramatic about it saying "y/n, forgive me, but I can't make it.  I know I'm disappointing you, but please don't hate me," and this and that, pretending to cry in the most dramatic way possible.  Not to mention, he would never do it over a text.  y/n became a bit suspicious of him and decided to give him a call during lunch and stir things up a bit.

"Hey babe, don't worry about the plans!  Finish your project, your grades definitely matter more.  If anything, I could even come with you and Haruno-san to help out," she smirked slyly, making herself sound as believably jealous as possible.

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