strip club part 2

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hey guys its been a while but I'm finally releasing something. if you can't tell by the title this is a part two of another one shot so i highly suggest y'all read that first and then this one if you haven't done so already. thanks for being so patient!


T- citrus? comfort? idrk

Warning: Profanity, Harassment

Third POV

The next morning, at about 12pm, Kuroo finally woke up from his slumber due the abundance of sunlight hitting his face through the window.  Unsurprisingly, his head was pounding from a killer hangover.  His eyes couldn't handle the brightness so he quickly shoved a pillow to his face as he shut the blinds.  He laid back onto his bed trying to piece together his memory of the night before.  Little by little, he started to remember a few things, like the woman behind the counter and being dragged away in the same way a parent would drag his child out from the toy section.  A bright red flush crept onto his cheeks and ears as he continued remembering it all. 

Damn it.  Why did I have to act like...that?  He thought, embarrassed and unable to put the right words together. Shit.  There's no way I can go back there after all that.  

Suddenly, he remembered the last thing the woman gave him before he left the club.  He reached into his pocket and found a crumbled piece of paper containing ten numbers and the name "L/N Y/N".  While reading the name, he decided to say fuck it and call the number displayed on the paper.  After a few calls, someone finally picked up, but it wasn't who it was supposed to be.

"Uh-hi, this is Kuroo Tetsurou.  Is this L/N Y/N's line?" he asked.

"Sorry man, you got the wrong number," the person responded with a low, coarse voice.

Yea, that definitely doesn't sound like a woman...he thought.

"Oh-sorry to bother you then," he hung up and started contemplating.

Should  I go to the club again and find out what happened with the number?  What if it was her way of hinting at me that she doesn't like me?  But it could've just been a mistake.  Maybe I read the number wrong?  No, not possible, I've got 20/20 vision, there's no way I could've been wrong.  The hell should I do?

After a long ten minutes of thinking, he shook his head and decided to back off and let it go.  After everything that's happened recently regarding his last relationship, it wasn't worth getting hurt and disappointed again.  As a result, Kuroo didn't go to the club that day and tried to forget about his whole interaction at the club.

First POV- L/N Y/N

By now, a week had passed since I met that guy at the club. 

What was his name again? I thought. Kuroko Tetsuya? No, that's not right.  Kuro Tensei? No, that's not right either.  Ugh, why can't I remember his name?

I really did think he was gonna call, but maybe it was just too soon for him.  I wouldn't have minded giving him company if he needed it.  To be honest, I was kinda excited for it, but I guess he just wasn't ready or something like that.  So, I shrugged it off and went back to work, trying to forget that encounter.

Third POV

At the door stood a short man with honey-coloured hair, matching eyes, and cat-like features.  He walked into Kuroo's room, hoping to see the bed-headed man finally starting to get himself together again.  After all, he seemed to have cheered up on that night out.  But his hopes were soon shattered when he saw the room a dark and complete mess.  The honey-haired man felt his blood boil.

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