birthday boy

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PG- Comfort

Warning: Mild Profanity

bf/n- best friend's name


November 17, 2020

*alarm starts beeping*

You slammed you phone about a hundred times trying to turn off the alarm,  but it didn't work, so you sat up and took your phone into your hand to turn it off.


Oh shit, I forgot.  It's Kuroo-san's birthday today.  What time did I want to go there again?  1 o'clock right? I have time then.  I'll start doing my hair at 10 and fix my face up at 11 and then get ready by like 12ish then leave at 12:30 and keep like 15 minutes to spare in any case.  Alright, let me go put his present in a bag, first.

You got up and went to the living room, where you left his present so you wouldn't forget it on your way out.  You brought a bag, some colorful tissue paper, and shiny confetti to fill up the bag in order to make it look nice.

Is this bag even big enough? Whatever, I'll make it big enough if I have to.

You started filling the bag with the presents and started getting ready.  You, Kenma, bf/n, and a few of Kuroo's friends were going to throw him a mini surprise party, but you needed to be the first one there so you could get him out of his house before anyone else got there.


"OH GOD! IM ALREADY LATE I GOTTA LEAVE NOW!" you grabbed your car keys and present and sprinted out the door, almost forgetting to lock it.  Once you reached your car, you took a deep breath.  Your nerves started to act up. 

 The hell? Why am I so nervous all of a sudden? It's just Kuroo-san.  Whatever, let's just get this over with before the surprise gets ruined.

You finally arrived to his house and invited yourself in.  You knocked on his room door, only to no response.  Grabbing the door knob, you open it and find Kuroo still sleeping.  A smile crept up on your face.  How cute.  You sprung open the curtains and then approached him, gently shaking the raven-haired boy in order to wake him.  The boy grumbled while rubbing his eyes, attempting to adjust to the light.

"Wake up, Kuroo-san, it's one o'clock in the afternoon."

"No," he groaned and hid his face under his bed sheets.  That's how you wanna play, huh?  I don't think so.  You ripped the sheets off of him and yanked on his arms trying to force him to sit up, but nothing worked.  This is such a drag.  Suddenly an idea popped in your head.

"Here, kitty, kitty.  I got you something.  Don't you wanna know what it is?  I think you'll like it, a lot," you made crumbling noises with the present, hoping it would pique his interest.  And, apparently it worked.  He sat up instantly with eager eyes. 

"What is it?"

"Why don't you find out yourself, birthday boy?" you handed him the bag and sat down in front of him.  He unstuffed the tissue paper from the bag and started taking out all the components that made up your present.  Out came the following:

                   - Mikasa Volleyball, red and black, signed by Masahiro Yanagida, this year's captain of Japan's Men's National Volleyball Team

                   - a framed picture of you and Kenma, both laughing (ikr Kenma? Laughing? iconic.)

                   - a black sweatshirt representing his favourite tv show

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