All on Paul

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John waited for them to answer. The person didn't, so he knew it at least wasn't Brian. " 'Ello?"

"John?" John heard the voice and knew it sounded familiar. Somewhere


"Can I talk to Paul? He has some explaining to do." John knew who it was. Jane. Jane was going to kill Paul when she heard what happened. He covered the phone with his hand.

"Who is it?" Paul asked. "Brian?"

"Worse. It's Jane. She wants to talk to you."

"You sure it's Jane?" Paul wanted to be thourough on this. John held up a finger, telling him to wait a second. He started to talk to Jane again.

"Is this Jane Ashner?"

"John, give the phone to Paul." John nodded his head. 

"Okay, here's Paul." John felt akward handing the phone to Paul, since he was behind his back, but Paul somehow managed to get the phone and answered the phone. But very hesitantly.

"Hi, Jane." Paul tried to sound as casual and happy as possible.

"Paul, WHAT IS GOIN' ON? YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE HERE FOREVER AGO!" Paul again, had to keep himself from going deaf and had to take the phone farther from his ear. They heard Jane shouting this time, but still loud and clear.

"I take it she's mad at you?" Ringo questioned. Paul shot him a look, telling him he was not amused.

"Uh, yeah, about that..." Paul usually knew how to get her out of this, but he was far beyond it now.

"Paul McCartney, you said you would be over here. YOU PROMISED! I thought you understood that."

"I do, but-''

"Good, you understand. But if you understand, then where are you?"

"I'm uh, kind of stuck over here." He joked. George was the least amused by this.

"What exactly do you mean by that?"

"Well, uh, you see..."

"Paul, you can trust me with whatever's going on. But what's wrong?"

"Well, we accidentaly broke something, and we tried to glue it. I am now stuck to John."

"Paul, stop joking. What's really going on?"

"I am really stuck to John."

"Okay, well if you were, why can't Ringo or George help you?"

''Because Ringo's stuck to a doorknob and dishcloth and George is stuck to a wall."

"Paul, I have to see this for myself to believe this. I'm coming over there."

"Okay, but don't be too shocked." Paul warned her. Jane rolled her eyes and hung up. She was sick of Paul's excuses and needed to see if he was telling the truth.

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