Chapter VII

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And here's chapter VII, too.

Enjoy :)

Chapter VII

Jeremiah had finally been able to get out of the ICU, so she didn't have to stare at his inert form through a glass screen anymore.

However, being close to him only stressed how broken he looked as he lay in the huge hospital bed, his face so pale that his hair appeared unnaturally red. It reminded her eerily of a clown's wig.

Stroking his hand, she looked at his otherwise relaxed face.

He was fast asleep and hadn't even noticed her entering his room.

Sometimes it seemed like sleeping was all his poor body could manage nowadays. He hadn't once been awake during all of her visits.

The doctors admittedly were convinced that he would soon be his old self again, but to Lynn he still looked mere steps away from certain death.

Sighing she lowered her head and wiped her eyes that had become wet with tears again.

Suddenly his hand twitched, and as she looked up again she saw his lids flutter.

Slowly he awoke from his sleep and blinked a few times as his green eyes landed on her.

"Lynn?", he whispered weakly.

"How long have you been here?"

"For half an hour." She nearly choked on her words. He was awake... Finally.

"Half an hour of watching me sleep? Must have been quite a bore.", he joked.

She snorted.

Jeremiah wasn't the most humorous person, so Lynn knew that he'd only made a joke because he wanted to ease her worries.

"I'm so glad you're alive.", she breathed. He cracked a faint smile.

"I wasn't exactly planning on leaving this world. I had been working so long and hard on my latest project that I stopped paying attention to my body's most basic needs. I'm about to apply to Meyer and Hayes, and I wanted to impress them by showing off my skills. Isn't it ironic that my pride almost got me killed?"

"Oh, Xander.", she said, not wanting to call him by his real name in a place like this.

"I was so afraid of losing you. Please, don't ever do that again. Promise me."

He took her hand, his thumb stroking hers gently.

"I do not intend to repeat my mistakes. Rest assured.", he said, his voice sounding even more raspy than it usually did.

Lynn glanced at her wristwatch and pulled a face.

"I'm sorry.", she sighed. "But I need to go and get ready for the evening. Matt has reserved a table for us at the Beijing Garden."

Jeremiah pulled his hand away and frowned.

"Matt?", he repeated questioningly.

"Your best friend's brother?"

"Yes. My boyfriend since last week."


Lynn flinched as he practically spat the word out.

"Y-Yes?", she stuttered, confused by his change of demeanour.

"Huh... So while I was fighting death, you were busy throwing yourself at the first bozo avaiable? What a great friend you are, to put your well-being over that of others. How selfish. I can only imagine how inconvenient this courtesy visit must feel to you. Wasting your time on me instead on your oh so precious boyfriend.", he mocked.

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