Chapter XIX

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Uh, I don't know what happened here...

Chapter XIX

Half a year later

Ecco hated driving the intruder around. Each morning she had to take her to her classes at the university, each afternoon she had to bring her back to the boss. Her boss... He was becoming antsy.

The bint had somehow come to terms with the loss of her boyfriend, after months of wallowing in sadness and moping, but alas Jeremiah Valeska was nowhere near his aim.

She didn't return the small signs of affection he showed her. Ecco assumed that the girl either chose to ignore them or was in fact totally oblivious to her bosse's subtle attempts at intimate togetherness.

Well, like hell would she rub his nose in the fact that he had to be more blunt with the bint. They could stay friends for all she cared, but lovers? No, never.

"Thank you for coming.", the bint announced as she got into the car.

As if I had any other choice, Ecco thought. She gave the girl a curt nod and started the engine.

"The boss will be occupied with a new set of blueprints today. He won't finish work until late at night. You'll have to busy yourself with something else than his company.", Ecco informed her as if she was his infant daughter, rather than the woman he was obviously in love with.

"Okay.", was all the bint answered. As if she didn't even care whether or not he wasted his time on her. God curse that ungrateful woman!

They came to a halt in front of the bunker. Ecco got out of the car, opened the trunk and grabbed the bag of groceries she had picked up on the way to the bint's university.

"Let me cook today."

Ecco pulled a face. The girl wasn't bad at cooking, quite the opposite. In fact she was so good at it that the boss had been over the moon the first time he'd tasted her god damn food. Ecco gritted her teeth as she remembered how the man had savoured every bite.

If he hadn't already been in love with her, he would have fallen for the bint then and there. After all there was some truth in the saying The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

"Fine.", she hissed through clenched teeth. She couldn't exactly prohibit the woman from cooking. Sure as hell if she did, the bint would run to Jeremiah and complain, and he didn't take it lightly when someone treated his one and only badly.


Lynn tasted the Bolognese sauce that was currently simmering on the hearth. Content with what she had created she cracked a smile.

Jeremiah would love this.

She turned the heat off and began to pile spaghetti onto the three plates on the kitchen counter.

Pouring the Bolognese sauce over the pasta, she hummed the melody of A spoon full of sugar to herself.

She took the first plate and left the kitchen, making her way towards Jeremiah's study.

The redheaded man looked up from a huge blueprint sheet as she entered the room.

"Is it lunch time already?", he exclaimed somewhat surprised, pushing his glasses up his nose.


She chuckled and put the plate on a side table that wasn't covered with his technical drawings, construction files or blueprints.

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