Chapter 13 Lemon Part 2

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               *This is for mature audience*

The rest of the day was uneventful, compared to the steamy time the two of you had. You were practically pink the whole day, thinking back to the events. Excited, you got yourself ready. You spent the day preparing yourself. Things such as, putting on the dress Sinbad sent you. He sent a dress, not long, after he left the sauna. The dress was beautiful, but still carried that sexy apeal to it. Short and dark blue, with a lovely gem encrusted gem belt. The servants delivered the dress to your room. With a note attached,

 “I picked a dress for you, that way I will be thinking of you in it, all day. - Love"

You were also surprised to find that the servants were given the order to do a “Queenly” makeover on you. Doing your hair, makeup, your nails, to even bringing in someone to message you, to help you relax. With each passing part done, whether it was your hair or the message, you got more excited, knowing that you were one step closer to seeing him again. 

Soon the sun set, and the moon began to rise. Not fully sure what time, once everything was done, you went straight to the sauna. The excitement was building up in you even more. As you opened the sauna door. This time there was no steam, but a slight fog was in the room, as candles lit the whole room. But, there was one thing missing, Sinbad. Worried you got there too early, you went to leave, only to bump into Sharrkan. “Y/N Oh! You're early… I was supposed to put a note in there for you. Sinbad sent me… I heard you two had a “Fun” morning.” Sharrkan says teasingly, as he smirks. He then grabs your arm and begins to lead you out of the bath house. “Sharrkan what are you doing?” Sharrken’s smirk does not falter as he answers. “I am taking you to Sinbad. I read the note… So I know where you're going… But I think it would be a better idea to leave it as a surprise.” With this said you nervously followed Sharrkan. 
Sharrkan led you to the castle courtyard, where a carriage was waiting. Being a gentleman he opened the carriage door for you, then shut it behind you. “Don’t worry. The carriage driver will take you to where you need to go. Have fun~” He says, giving you a wink then steps back from the carriage.

Turning pink with excitement, you sat in the coach, for a couple minutes. While waiting to go to your unknown location, you looked out the coach window. Viewing the beautiful streets of Sindria, and the lovely clear night. A great full moon hung in the sky, and the stars seem to shine just a bit brighter tonight. Soon the carriage stopped. The driver got off and opened the door. “M'lady… Your companion will be waiting for you at the end of the dock.” He stated. You looked around and noticed you were at the docks. Large ships from multiple countries surrounded the area, as the smell of the salt water finally hit you. The stars and moon reflected on the vast ocean in front of you. 

“Thank you…” You started after getting off the carriage. You then walk down the dock, soon seeing a silhouette at the end of one. Smiling you approached. “I sent you that dress, thinking I would know what you looked like in it. But I must say, you look far beautifuler than I expected.”  A light blush crossed your cheeks as you approached the king. While he has his large cheerful grin on his face. He takes your hand and kisses it. “You ready?” He asked. Excitedly you nodded, from which he chuckled. Then with a large flash, Sinbad transformed into his djinn equip Baal. He then gently picks you up. You shriek in shock, not expecting this. “Don’t worry I got you!” He says gently into your ear. Once he gets his hold of you, he begins to fly. He then left the end of the dock. The cool ocean wind pressed against you as he flew away from the kingdom. 

“Where are we going?” You asked out of curiosity. “Not too far, but far enough where no one will disturb us.” Seeing that you were not going to get anymore of an answer out of him, you moved your focus to studying the layout. Sindria behind you, and the ocean in front. Though not knowing where you were going, it did not interrupt your excitement. Shortly after flight, a small island with a large lake comes into view. The island is just off the coast of Sindria, which can still be seen. After making a safe landing, Sinbad loses his transformation and puts you down on the ground. 

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