Chapter 9

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You stared at the room with shock.

"The Kou Empire! Who are you? What do you want with me? What do you want with Sinbad?"

You had so many questions. Judar sighed as he heard them all.

"You sure do ask a lot of questions. I would have thought Sinbad would have told you about the good old band?"

Judar said. You looked at him confused.


Judar smirked as he walked closer to you.

"A band that seeks to have the king of Sindria fall. Thus with his falling, we will be able to summon the great god!"

You felt your mouth fall open in shock. They wanted to kill Sinbad. You then started fighting against the man holding you.

"NO! I won't let you!"

Then using what you learned in self-defense you stomped on the man's foot and then head butted him, he let go of you as he put his hands to his face. You used this moment to run. You had no idea where you were going, all you knew is you had to get out and fast. There were hallways and hallways, the place felt like a labyrinth. Soon you came to a wide open room, men and women in circles grouped around a single lady. All of they wore the same clothing as the other man, except the lady in the middle who was wearing multiple colors of pink. She turned to you and started to walk toward you.

"Ah! I see our guest has arrived."

You started to back away from the room, which all the people noticed. You turned and began to run out the door, only to see Judar standing in the doorway. His arms up in a shrug.

"Think you get far? Also, where are you going to go?! You should have used that trick earlier."

Knowing you were trapped you looked back behind you to be face-to-face with the lady.

"I can see why the King fancy's you. Let me introduce myself, I am Gyokuen, the Queen of the Kou Empire."

You looked at Gyokuen surprised to be seeing the ruler of the country in something in a plot such as kidnapping. You looked back at Judar then Gyokuen. Then you tried to grab her hoping that if you had her life on the line they would let you go. She dodged and you only fell to the ground. Then a sudden thud against your head, you then felt very lightheaded and dizzy and passed out unconscious.

Meanwhile in Sindria...

Sinbad just landed in the palace courtyard. Then unequipping with Baal he called for the generals. Jafar was the first to come.

"Sinbad, what is it? Where is Y/N?"

The others all came running in before Sinbad could reply but looked at him concerned.

"Y/N had been kidnapped! Judar took her! I want you guys to get the troops ready for any attacks that may follow. Jafar, Sharrkan, and Masrur I need you two to come with me to the Kou empire!"

The generals looked at him with open mouths.

"Sinbad! You know this is a trap! You should stay here!"

Jafar said.

"If I stay here the likelihood of us rescuing Y/N will be even smaller."

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