Chapter 4

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The rest of the day was uneventful. The day was filled with you doing chores around the house and tending to your father. And as of now, you were just about to tell father goodnight. "Father, do you think this life will ever change? I mean, we have been here for two weeks and we still haven't found a doctor who can help you. At the prices, we have offered." Your father looks at you with a sigh then speaks. 

"Y/N Y/N, I know this is hard on you. But I promise you things will get better and it's all thanks to you! You saving as much money as you can to help me. And for that I am grateful. This country is different then Reim, the people here don't seem too obsessed over the money. Don't stress too much... we will be fine. I know in the end we will... But you gotta keep that hope inside you ok?"

 You look at your father with a slight smile as you hug him. " Of course father! I will do that!" You could feel his arms wrap around you as you hugged him. 

"Now you get to bed, you have work tomorrow." 

You let go of your father, then feeling better you kiss his forehead and walk off to your bed. The night was rough, with a great deal of tossing and turning, you just for some reason could not sleep. After hours of trying to fall asleep, you give up and get up from your bed and just start getting for the day. Doing non-trivial things such as other chores, or even just staring in space and thinking.

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

You turned to the door as you heard this. "Who could be knocking at the door, at this hour no less!" You walked to the door and opened it to find a few Sindria's guards and a carriage in front.

 "Excuse me for disturbing your sleep ma'am, but is this Y/N house?" 

You stared at the man confused and wondering what he wanted. "Um...yes..." The guard then continues to say,

 "We have been sent to collect you."

Puzzled and concerned, you try to calmly respond with, "Well, then let me tell my father... I will be, uh right out." The guard nodded at your request. You put on a fake smile as you shut the door, and once it was shut you could not help but start freaking out. "Is this... the King's army? I apologized for what I said... no, he wouldn't send his guards to hurt me for something like that... Or would he? I have heard of cruel kings, but then again I have only heard good things about them. Collect me? Who uses that term... I should leave... Now!"

Probably from lack of sleep, you against your better judgment snuck out of the house through a window. Then started to run your way to the shop. It was still very much dark out, the stars littered the sky and the moon lit up the streets as well by the torches. Everyone was still very much asleep at this time, so the streets were people-free. You get to the shop and try to open the door. "Locked!" You tried knocking on the door, repeatedly. After waiting a minute, with no signs of anyone there, you sigh. Seeing the alleyway next to the shop, you hide in the shadows, allowing yourself to catch your breath. "I... hope I will be safe here..." Soon exhaustion got to you, and you felt yourself drift off to sleep.

"You should've just stayed where you were Y/N..."

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