Chapter 1

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"Y/N? Y/N can you get me some Ginseng?"

 A voice yells, thus waking you up from your longingly state of sleep. You wake up with eyes still heavy from lack of sleep. 

"Y/N... are you awake?"

 The voice yells again. "Yes, father I'm awake!". Y/N is a 29-year-old girl, with deep E/C eyes, H/C hair with F/C tips, and S/C skin. Finally, you set yourself up on the dry, brown blanket. You then sigh and stretch as you start to slowly make your way up off your bed. You can feel your feet and legs jolt as they touch the cold, quartz floor. It was a cold morning, for a tropical island. You once again sighed as you made your way over to the fine-wood cabinets that were attached to the nicely painted cream-colored stone walls of the house. You open the cabinets to find everyday necessities in them. Such as dry foods, fruits, jams, jellies, and herbs for both cooking and medicine. The house was like many of the others, no one really lived in poverty here, though money was still needed to fill the spaces so kindly given.

"Y/N, please hurry!" 

You grab a piece of ginseng root, from a cabinet. Then take a deep breath, then force a smile on your face. You walked away with the small piece in hand and moved to a bedroom. You walk into the room, to see a fifty-year-old man with light F/C highlights on the bottom of his H/C hair, olive-green eyes, and skin that was an S/C but was lighter, from illness. The room was quite large, but only a few things filled the space. With a window facing the beautiful, ocean blue, to the white painted walls, a small bed and dark wood wardrobe next to the door. The man saw you enter and smiled at the sight of you. 

"Y/N... there you are... did you get the root?"

 He asked. His face was covered in sweat from a large fever, and his eyes had large circles from the many sleepless nights.

You looked at your father, with concern imprinted in your eyes, but still kept a smile on your face. "Of course father!" You walked over to him and handed over the root. He slowly started eating the strong-flavored, hard root. Y/N has been giving him this same treatment for a while now. The doctors of Reim, couldn't find any source or cure for the illness. Thus couldn't help.

 You both moved to Sindria in hope that the great country will be able to help. Sindria is very lovely, from the amazing elevated view of the ocean to the paved streets and the smiles on both adults and children alike. Since the great country was started through a trading company, the prices around town were reasonable and had stocks from all sorts of countries. Compared to Reim, money was not the main goal here. As for now, Y/N is trying to keep her father, well and raise as much money as possible. To make sure her father is seen by any and every doctor who may be able to help.

Your father smiled at you as he finished the root. He reached over to the side of his bed and grabbed his cane. With your help, he was up and standing.

 "Thank you Y/N. I can move from here. I should suggest that you start getting ready for work. Don't want to upset that friend of yours!"

 He says grinning. "Oh... Thanks for reminding me, father!" You said as you gave him a hug, then quickly walked out of the room, and back to the main room. Living in a two-bedroom house was different from the way they were living in Reim. 

In Reim, prices were much larger, and the one-bedroom house they called home at the time, was small and worn. It certainly was not as horrible as the slums, but it wasn't much better. But in Sindria the prices and conditions of the homes were much better. For one the home was made of stone and had a better standing foundation than her past home. Which was made out of sand brick and wood. Though the older house was small it was a very easy home for her parents and her to live in. That was until your mom died from a plague and had to be taken away by the authorities so it wouldn't spread. From what you remember you were around nine years old when her mother was declared dead. Your father had to take two jobs just to keep food and a roof over your heads.

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