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You look up into the boy's dark brown eyes. You notice other features like long black hair and olive skin. He's dressed up emo, kind of. He looks around your age and, somewhat familiar. "Uh, it's okay. Nice to meet you, I'm Fang!"

"I'm (y/n). Are you Fang as in fangnotfnick the bird kid?" You don't realize what you're saying until the words come out of your mouth, you instantly blush with embarrassment. "Yes, I'm that Fang. Nice to meet you (y/n)!" 

"Wow! I don't want to be rude by asking, but, do you actually have wings?" He laughed. To your surprise, he grabs your hand and pulls you into the forest you were standing right beside. "Ethan?" Fang asked. "You don't tell anyone about this. Got it?" Ethan nods.

Fang rolls his shoulders and huge 15-foot wings come from his back! One looks a little fake but you shrug it off and stare at him in shock. So many things on the internet are fake but this- the least believable one is the real one! You may have had a crush on him in the blog, but now you were completely in love with him.

You're so lost in Fang's amazingness you almost don't hear Ethan scream and run away. "He's not going to keep his mouth shut is he?" Fang smiles- the most beautiful smile- and you smirk and nod your head. "Who will believe him?" You respond. You turn back to look at Fang and you see him hovering in the air, he tells you he will go get Ethan, and suddenly he's dashing off. You start to chase after him but it's no use, he's way too fast.

Once you get Ethan home, Fang offers to walk you back to your place. "Do you want to meet up tomorrow?" He looks down, "oh right... Max." 

His frown deepens and you wish you never had asked. He senses the worry in you and quickly looks up. "Sure I would love to! How about that new café in town... I mean only if your free, if you cant I understand and..." "Yes see you tomorrow!" You giggle at his almost emotionless face- but you notice a bit of joy. You never thought you would be someone so cute, but there you were standing at your front door totally baffled. 

He waves goodbye to you, then he snaps out his wings and flies off. You feel like your going to faint. You unlock your apartment and step in, then you head toward your room and flop on your bed. That's when it hits you- hard! You have a date tomorrow! You're going on a date! You hop off your bed scrambling to find something to wear. Then you call your best friend, Erin to tell her you going on a date! Erin shares your excitement since she has been setting you up on dates forever but you never liked any of them. I think I found the right one, you think.

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