You-- Fang's surprise

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You sit there staring at your food, not that hungry, just eager to get going. You notice Phoenix's eyes flicker your way, then back to Fang.

"So, you liking Australia?" Phoenix asks.

Fang nods. He has tried to include you in the conversations, but you just shook your head and listened. Phoenix didn't really acknowledge you she just talked to Fang, about her friends at flying lessons, or Iggy's cooking experiments or Gazzy almost blowing up half of a town. In the conversations, Phoenix does mention heading east, which immediately makes you think of any location in the east of Australia. Nothing comes to mind.

"Come on (y/n) we have to go or we will be late!" Fang says, laying a hand on your shoulder. "I thought there was no specific time you had to show up!" You hear Phoenix whisper-hiss.

"She doesn't need to know that," Fang replied with a smirk. He kisses you on the cheek, and you hear Phoenix grumble. 

You stand up and walk out of the restaurant behind Fang, Phoenix behind you.

A few blocks away from the restaurant, Fang picks you up and leaps into the air. Then he kisses your neck before saying, "only a ten-minute flight." He grins at you, and you hang your head back to let the wind hit your face.

You realize you fell asleep when Fang begins shaking you. Your eyes flutter open as you notice you're in a forest. 

"Happy half a year anniversary!" Fang whisper in your ear.

You climb down from his arms, and mumble, "that's not 'till next week." You catch Fang rolling his eyes as you sin around to see where you are. You stop spinning when you notice a big house sitting in front of you.

Phoenix stares at you with wide eyes, waiting for a reaction. "Is... Is that for... us?" You manage to sputter out. Fang nods eagerly, "go in!" 

You walk into the house and are immediately shocked by how big and beautiful it looks. The front door leads to a stairway. On one side of the stairway is a fancy living room, and on the other is a huge kitchen, behind the kitchen is the main area, full of a table and chairs and a huge silver chandelier, that you immediately assume is the dining room. That leads to the living room, and there is a door leading to a backyard with a fireplace, all surrounded by forest. 

In the kitchen, you have a barn door that opens to a staircase that leads downstairs into a big basement lined with shelves and tables with craft stuff on it. You walk further and notice a big grey couch sitting in front of a massive  TV.

Fang drags you back upstairs to the final floor the top one. You find a door at the top of the staircase, hesitantly, you open it. You find yourself standing in a huge bedroom. King size bed, a couple of stairs leading to a sitting area, with chairs. Behind the chairs, you find doors that lead to a small balcony. When you look out the balcony you notice a beach. You have a goddamn beach beside your house. You spin around and there are two more doors; a closet and a bathroom. The bathroom has a shower and a hot tub... 

"A hot tub in a bathroom?" Fang nods eagerly at your question. "How did you afford all of this?" 

He rolls his eyes, "Avian-American on the run for over thirty years that stuff just accumulates. I had no use for it before so why not for this. The look on your seems your happy!"

"Oh, Fang! I love you!" He flinches at the word. "I-I'm sorry..." He smiles, "I love you, too!"

You giggle as he leans in to kiss you. He tangles his hands in your hair pushing you back on the bed.

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