You -- The Flock's House

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Fang picks you up in his arms and jumps into the air to catch up with Phoenix. "Where are we going?" You ask Fang. He grins, "my place!" You grin back nervously. "It'll be fine." He reassures you. 

Phoenix dashes off and Fang speeds up to catch her. You (h/l) hair blows in the wind and into Fangs mouth. He spits it out, the shoots you a "really?" look, that you shrug at. He laughs. 

Your ears start to pop and you realize your descending- quickly- towards the ground. He shields you as he does a summer-sault-land. As Fang helps you up, a little dark skinned girl comes out. She looks a few years younger than you. "Hello, I'm Nudge! I love your outfit!" You look down to your ripped jeans, and t-shirt of your favorite singer. Not particularly interesting, but you just shrug, "thanks? I'm (y/n)-" "Oh yes," Nudge cuts you off, "the one Fang doesn't shut up about ever since he and Max... Broke up. It's nice to meet you (y/n)!" Nudge smiles.

"Let's head inside, I can show you around." Fang grabs your hand. You walk in behind Fang, and you see three people sitting in a living room. They smile and wave. "(Y/n), this is Iggy, Gazzy, and Angel. Guys, this is (y/n)..." Fang looks around and frowns, "where's Max?"

Everyone in the room shakes their heads. Fang frowns deeper, then rolls his eyes and leads you up a staircase. "This is my room," Fang tells you. "Have I met them before?" You ask. Fang shoots a confused glance your way. "They were in my dream, but you cant dream of people you have never seen before so I must have meet them somewhere."

Fang shuts his door, then he locks it. "You must still be dizzy. Get some rest." He throws off the bed sheet and gestures to it. "I'm not tired" You respond. "(Y/n), please!" "Tell me what's going on!" You demand. He sighs, "Fine... When you wake up." 

You grumble and tuck yourself in bed. Fang sits on the corner of the bed and starts humming a song you've never heard before. 

You sit up to ask him one more question, "Fang? I know we only met yesterday, and I'm a normal human, so why me? Do you love me?" He looks into you eyes, and you look into his. "Love is a strong word." "Fang?" You say, stiffly.

He inches closer. Then, he puts his hand on top of yours. He wraps his hand between you fingers. And slowly moves his face close to yours, until your mouth is touching his. You close your eyes and tilt your head to the side. You push away from Fang, and a slight smile curves his lips, as you grin from ear to ear. "Get to sleep." He commands you. You nod and hide your face under your covers, smiling so wide your cheeks hurt. 

The lights go out and you hear the door shut. And you almost forget about the dream that could be real... Almost.

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