You -- Café

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You finally decide on a knee-length (f/c) dress. It's not so fancy but it's not to casual. You smile at the thought of seeing Fang today. You quickly brush your teeth and your hair, and run out of your front door, slamming it shut.

You skid to a stop and turn around to lock the door. Finally, you start making your way to the café. Good thing it's only a walking distance from your apartment.

When you arrive at the coffee shop you immediately spot Fang, who is wearing a black button down shirt and faded grey jeans. He smiles his crooked smile at you and your day is immediately so much better. He takes your hand and you walk into the restaurant together. "So (y/n), how is your morning?" 

You grin and answer; "Pleasant! You?" His hand tightens around yours. "You don't have to answer that if you don't want to."

He shakes his head, as he pulls out a  chair for you to sit on. "Me and Max just haven't been getting along. But, I think we'll have a fun morning!" He flashes another smile at you making you pinch the back of your hand to make sure you aren't dreaming. "Ow! Frick!" You wince at the pain. 

Fang shoots a worried look your way. "What's up?" You shake your head. Your cheeks start heating up. Then, your breath catches in your throat. "I didn't- I did something dumb, it's alright. So what are we going to eat?"

Fang puts his coat on his chair, and you do the same. You walk up beside him to go check out the menu at the front desk. 

The cashier greets you plainly, as if she had no emotion left in her body. "Hi, my name is Michelle welcome to the Apocolypse Café. What do you want?" She looks up from the table and sees Fang. Her eyes light up. "Can I offer you something from the special menu?" Fang shakes his head and begins his order. You fill up with jealousy as you watch the cashier do an awful job flirting with- what you hoped- was your boyfriend. You mean, it was a date but you guys just met and you- "(y/n), (y/n)!" Fang claps his hands to get your attention. "What would you like to eat?" You smile to Fang and turn to take your order.

The waiter scoffs at the sight of you. "This isn't your girlfriend is it?" She asks Fang, "You could do so much better! You need someone who looks attractive, like me!" She smiles his way, as if she didn't insult the girl standing next to him.

"Yes, this is my girlfriend"- you smile at the word- "and she's way more attractive then you! Let her order or let me talk to the manager. Pick your poison" Fang snaps at the girl, but, somehow, keeps a nice tone and face that no one could ever disagree with.

Michelle slowly asks you what you would like to order.

 "A pumpkin spice latte, and a blueberry muffin... please." The girl nods and puts in your order.

When you get your food and sit down you notice a little sticky note on Fang coffee reading; here's my number, 407 847 4736, call me if you want something different, love, Michelle. You grumble and Fang catches your eye. He crumples the sticky note, without reading it, and tosses it on the ground. 

You snicker quietly, then sneak a glance at Michelle who clearly saw the whole thing, you see a little tear coming from her eye and she darts to the back.

"Shall we?" Fang puts out his hand for you to grab and you guys sit down at the table.

"We shall!" You smirk at him.

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