You -- The Next day

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Knock knock, you hear banging on your door. You rush towards your door and swing it open. And there he is, for the second day in a row! "Ready?" Fang grins. I turn around and lock my door, and we head out. 

"How'd you sleep?" He turns to you. You see a hint of worry in his eye but it fades away as you look up at him. "Great!" He smiles wider. "Except... I had this really weird dream. And there were all these people you write about in your blog, but I've never seen. You were there, and so was this doctor-slash-scientist, named Jeb Batchelder... The second." You stop babbling when his fingers brush your hand, then he puts his arm around your shoulder.

"Crazy dream!" You feel comforted for a second, then realize there's something he's hiding. "Where's Phoenix?" You ask, changing the subject. Fang bends down and picks you up by the knees and one arm around your back. 

"We're meeting her above the museum!" Fang runs behind the apartment then takes a running leap into the air. You're about to question him, then you remember Phoenix probably has wings... Like her dad. You try not to think about that fact too much, you know it will come up one day, but for now, you just enjoy it.

Only a couple of minutes later you and Fang meet up with Phoenix. "Who's the girl?" She looks at you, wrapped in Fang's arms. "(Y/n)- now, let's go!"

You land on the ground, and Phoenix walks up to Fang. "I'm twenty years old, that's old enough to know she's more than your friend." Phoenix whispers in Fang's ear. He rolls his eyes and leads the way into the museum. You notice him tuck in his wings tight and throw a windbreaker over them. Phoenix does the same. You walk into the museum, and before you know it the world goes blurry, and you hit your head against the floor. 

You hear Fang gasp. "I'm going to kill the white coats that did this to her!" He growls. It wasn't a dream, you think, fuzzily.

You regain your consciousness a couple of minutes later. You find yourself resting your head on Fangs lap. He smiles when he sees you wake up. You smile back and sit up quickly. A weird feeling washes through you, as you go to stand. Your eyes start to sting, and you hear a loud ringing in your ear. You feel light, as if there was no gravity. You feel... no longer... human.

"We will fix this," Fang promises. You nod and he pulls you into a hug. You feel overwhelmed, and you start crying. Fang brushes his fingers through your hair. "It will all be okay. We'll get you back to normal." "Thank you," you mumble, and you sob harder. 

I couldn't've found someone who cared more. You think, hugging Fang.

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