You -- Later That Day

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You take another bite of your cookie as you turn your head to stare at Fang.

 After the café, you guys went to a memoir of Itex- okay, not a memoir, because Itex was awful, but that's what they called it. Fang told you stories of when he and the flock were on the run, you knew most of it from the blog, but there were some things he told you that didn't really make it in.

He tried to get you to talk about yourself once or twice, but you didn't think of yourself that interesting. Not when you were standing next to a kid with wings.

After that, he picked you up, and threw open his wings, and then you were hundreds of feet in the air. You closed your eyes the whole time, but you loved the feeling, especially the part that you were in Fang's arms, and you knew you couldn't fall.

And now, here you guys were laying in the grass of a park enjoying the sun. You finished up your cookie and looked away from Fang and back to the clouds, but as you looked away you could sense Fang turn to look at you.

You looked at your watch. "It's five-thirty!" You have been with fang all day, you know that it wasn't a bad thing but you were babysitting Ethan, again, today. "I have to go pick up Ethan from soccer practice. This was a great day, let's keep in touch and I hope to see you again tomorrow." He nodded and grabbed your wrist before you ran off. 

"I'm taking Phoenix to an art exhibit tomorrow. You wanna tag along?" He touches your shoulder.

"That would be great! I'll see you tomorrow then! Have a nice evening. Bye!" You shouted at him as you ran off. As you jogged back to your apartment to pick up your car you couldn't help smiling, you had been with Fang all day and hadn't annoyed the hell out of him. Your last 15 dates had made up lame excuses to leave, but Fang- well, Fang stayed! And today was the best day of your life. You couldn't wait to see him again tomorrow.

After Ethan's parents came to pick him up, it was around nine-thirty, so you headed to bed. And fell quickly to sleep. 

When you woke up, you had no clue where you were. Your hands were strapped to a bed, and you were staring up at a huge blind light. You blinked several times and saw six dog crates in front of you. And in those dog crates were six people. You recognized one immediately; Fang. You screamed for help but no sound came out. Fang looked up at your fear in his eyes as he mouthed your name. You felt tears roll down your cheeks. 

"Hello my dear (y/n)," came a voice that made you jump, as high as you could when you were strapped to a bed. "My name is Jeb Batchelder II. You have gotten yourself in huge danger, but don't worry, my team and I are here to help."

 Another doctor in a lab coat walked in and handed Jeb a needle. Jeb grabbed the needle and stabbed it into your arm. It hurt. You heard yourself scream some swear words. Then you passed out and woke up in your own bed again. 

You glance over to your clock, which reads, two in the morning. Your arm hurt, and you debated if that was a dream. You grab a laptop and quickly search 'fangnotfnick' it had a new post. You realized it was a dream. Then your mind went back to it was real, because you've heard of those people in Fang's blog, but you have never actually seen them in real life. You decide to get more sleep and ask Fang in the morning. He was there, so he would know. You turn around in your bed and fall back asleep.

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