Where the Snow Falls, Willows Cry

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Val was preparing for her adventure to the library when there was a knock at her door. That wasn't the plan. When she cracked the barrier, the young woman that served Lucifer was there shuffling her feet.

"Can I help you?" Val questioned.

She wrung her hands and breathed. "He has asked me to assist in your packing."

"What? Who?" Val spat as she glowered through the gap.

"Prince Lucifer, your majesty," the woman hummed without meeting Val's eyes.

Val shut her door and bristled. "He'll have to come and do it."

"Please don't make me tell him that, I implore you?" she begged through the barrier.

Val inhaled and glanced around her quarters. "What's your name?"

"Sarah," the girl murmured.

"Where is he trying to take me, Sarah?"

She was silent.


Val opened the door to see glaring azure eyes to meet her. "Open the door."

Valkyrie sneered. "Where are we going?"

Lucifer pried open to the barrier, and it jostled Val from her position. "Sarah, get started. A week's worth," he ordered while walking into the room.

Val breathed as she placed her hands on her hips. "Lucifer, where are we fucking going?" She repeated.

Sarah scurried to the wardrobe and started pulling out clothing. It was a quick action that took little time as Lucifer crossed his arms and kept eye contact with Val. The bag landed on the bed, and Sarah was close to sprinting from the room. There was this built tension that wouldn't release no matter how much Val wished it. He was intimidating, and she blinked as she inhaled.

Lucifer shut the door and exhaled. "Alright, Valkyrie. Let's go," he said.

"You didn't answer me. What's with the covert trip?"

He shrugged his shoulders, and his plumage flickered. "We're going on an adventure. I don't need you to go see my library."

"How do you know about that?" Val asked.

He paced toward the bag and snagged it in his hands. "It wasn't incredibly hard to estimate that's where my court would take you next. Let's go. We're headed home."

"Home? How is that an adventure?" Val huffed.

Lucifer waved his free hand and walked toward the french doors. "Feel like a flight?"

She exhaled and followed him out to the balcony. "Why are we leaving?"

He smirked and shifted his head to the ledge. "I have a plan if you don't mind a little intrigue."

"This is plenty of cloak and dagger for a trip to avoid me going to the library. Did Simon tell you?"

"No, which is why he isn't coming," Lucifer declared and stretched out his wings.

Val rolled her eyes and stretched out her wings. "So, where to?"

"I told you," Lucifer huffed and jumped on the edge.

He flew off in the moonlight, and Val shook her head as she climbed on the ledge. Jumping from the barrier, Val's wings flung open. Lucifer was quick, even while carrying a bag in his hand. Val struggled to catch up as they flew toward a giant body of water that seemed to steam like a spring. The smell of sulfur was unmistakable as the water boiled below.

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