Underearth Plumage

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Both Eva and Raphael were standing by the oak entrance with neutral expressions. Simon had assisted Val in preparing her for what was to come. She had to shift into a simple robe and no breakfast. Now there she was, standing in front of the two Pillars of Shadows when Simon exhaled.

"Alright, who's ready?" He asked.

"Most certainly me," Raphael grumbled. "This form is far too heavy."

Val chewed her lips before running her fingers over the black robe. "You said it won't hurt?"

Eva smiled as she approached her. "No, dear. It's going to tickle. Do you know how it feels to have a mild breeze on your face?"

Val nodded. "Yes."

The fallen angel cupped her cheek. "It's just like that. I promise you won't get damaged."

"Alright," Val sighed.

Simon beamed as he pulled out an intricate black key. Val's eyes traced the top of the key in his hand. She had seen something similar somewhere before. Where? Before she could focus on the elegant key, Simon approached the door and unlocked it.

"Raphael, would you like to do the honors?" Simon asked as he opened the door.

"With pleasure, Sir Wells," Raphael sniggered and shuffled toward the barrier opening it.

Through the doorway was dark, violet flames. Val glanced up at Eva, who rocked her head before taking the younger woman's hand. It was tender and empathetic to Val's nerves. She was positive was showing on her appearance.

Raphael winked at Val and fell backward through the flames. Val couldn't help the gasp that left her mouth, even though she knew it was coming. Simon cleared his throat and nodded. "Alright, go ahead, Eva."

Eva took Val's fingers to her lips and bowed. "Just take a deep breath and fall. We'll be on the other side."

She paced toward the flames, and Val took her nails to her teeth. This was the first time in her life she was going to Underearth. Would she see her father? What would it look like? Questions blared in her mind as she saw Eva launch herself into the abyss.

Simon breathed as he scratched his facial hair. "Okay, Val. Here's how you should enter the first time. Take a deep breath like you're going to dive into a pool. Keep your eyes open and don't worry about if you feel odd, it's normal."

"There's zero normal about this, Simon," Val voiced as she bounced on her heels. "Alright, I can do this."

"Oh, and Val," Simon paused. "If you start to feel a bit, well, crazy... don't worry. It's because, well, you'll see. It's all overwhelming."

Val stepped up toward the flames and could feel the heat radiate from the door. "It's just like diving into a pool," she hummed.

Deep inhalation, and then she plummeted into the violet fire. She expected discomfort or even pain, but it was nothing like that. The robe around her body was burnt to cinders, but her bare form remained unscathed. Val was mesmerized by the swirling of the flame around her limbs as she witnessed their marker.

With a sudden spasm, she saw a brilliant light in her eyes and felt a cold tingle down her spine while she fell in the neverending flames. Something happened. Val could feel a swift difference in her body as her mind tried to catch up. It wasn't until a sudden draft in the fire caught her that she was tossed sideways and out from them.

A blink of an eye, and she was falling in the night sky. The world was beautiful before her as she gasped the cold air into her burning lungs. The urgency of falling caused her shoulders to flare, and with instant recourse, she was gliding. Wait, she was floating? She was flying!

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