The Thing About Feathers Is

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"Val, I hope you know I love you," a soft voice whispered.

Val opened her eyes to see black plumage enclosing her. Her hands her bunched together as she seemed to have been praying in her slumber. The light peered through the spaces in the plumage, and her eyes caressed her birthmark. When was the last time she heard her mother in her dreams?

Where was Simon? She had to question him about it. Val ascended from her mattress and expanded her wings with a groan. Was she ever going to get used to her new limbs? Not fretting with decorum, Val shifted from the room and traversed toward Simon's quarters.

Voices? Val scowled as she cautiously paced toward the cracked door.

"Oh, no, not even close!" Simon chuckled.

There was a deeper laugh that resulted. "All I'm explaining is humans always have their definition of miracles."

Val leaned near the gap to see Lucifer carrying a large book as he paced the room.

"Well, what do you expect, Lucifer? You can't assume they would be able to understand divinity or any prophecies to the fullest extent. Take Valkyrie, for example. They clearly say the son of the 'Devil' would be the bringer of the end. Not to mention the conclusion was far more violent than it is," Simon debated as he waved a hand in the air.

"Ah, yes, the Princess of Darkness," Lucifer huffed.

Simon took Lucifer's hand. "I wish you would ease up."

Lucifer agreed as he sat down. "It's not easy, Simon. She's so irritable."

"I know, but you wouldn't be trying if she wasn't. We've known each other for five-hundred years. I wouldn't be pushing if she didn't need you to keep her in line," Simon murmured before pouring himself a glass of something.

Lucifer stroked Simon's curls and puffed. "Alright, I will do what is required to make her see the path ahead."

Simon held up his glass with a nod. "To her reign."

Lucifer grimaced and tossed the large book on the table. "Yes, of course."

"I hope you grasp she's impressionable, Lucifer," Simon grumbled.

"What do you require me to do regarding that?" he grumbled as his wings twitched.

Val felt her cheeks burn as she drew from the door. She prowled back into the main hall and slipped into her quarters. It damaged her to see how familiar they were. They were chatting about her like she was just... just a means to an end. It just didn't make sense. None of it made any since she made a deal with Lucifer.

She was so frustrated as she dug for her things in the closet. This didn't feel like home, and Val needed some security. Her withdrawal would only get worse as it seemed. Delving into the boxes and bags, she came across something.

Val hunkered down and opened her hiking backpack. This, she remembered it. Gingerly extracting the wrapped case, she raised her eyebrows. That's right, this was an odd object. Her fingers dug for the key and found it at the bottom of the bag. Crossing her legs, she inhaled while uncovering the jewelry box.

She had not seen the writing on the top before. Was it there previously? "Dearest, Lily," Val recited as her fingers ran over the golden writing. Val swallowed and unlatched the lock with the key, barely breathing.

Opening the lid, the blue light peered from the crack. What could possibly be in here? Val snagged enough of her determination and uncovered the top to reveal small blue butterflies. They were joined to a smaller white feather. Her heart was racing as she gawked down at the plumage.

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