Full of Sins

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Val entered the dining hall that was conveniently changed for the dinner. The tables were shifted toward the sides as sins of all sorts convened. The Val entered the dining hall that was conveniently changed for the dinner. The tables were shifted toward the sides as sins of all sorts convened. The fallen angels withdrew from following her, leaving Val to be bombarded.

"Vallie! Oh, Vallie, our girl!" Narcie cried as she launched Val.

Val huffed as her feathers bristled behind her. "Hey, Nars."

"Girl! Oh, girl!" Vio and Hor shouted as they bunched the women in their arms.

"Wings," Val squeezed out.

"Yeah, I'll say," Vio chuckled as he let go.

Hor released his hold and nodded. "Look at those beauties."

The twins were fluffing her feathers as she twitched. "Guys, stop, they're sensitive."

Narcie slipped between the twins and giggled. "Look, they're so big!"

They were spreading them and stroking the black plumage. "Guys, come on. I'm not lying. They're tingling," Val groaned as she flicked her wings.

"You think fucking with them will make them flutter when you," Vio paused as he was jostled.

"I told you, boys, to mind your business," A rough voice growled.

Val tightened her wings and pivoted to see Wrath. He was a hulking man with scars and a bald head. Out of all the sins, Val was most nervous about Wrath, and he knew it. "Hello, Wrath," she murmured.

"Hello, Valkyrie. Or shall I say, Princess of Darkness and the Unclean," he declared while bowing with a smirk.

"Glad to see you haven't changed," Val murmured.

His long pale fingers took her cheeks in a grip as his thumb enclosed the other side. "But you have. You have claimed your right and, within that, are free. You may choose who you want to give your heart to, among other things."

Val sneered as he bent closer to her. "I have a deal with Pride, as you know."

"Well, arrangements can be split as long as you comprehend how to," Wrath grunted as he stroked her cheek. "We, we could make the heavens tremble and quiver. You and I. I'd bring you back to hail in the dawn of my reign," he whispered while dropping his hand to her neck. "Such beautiful untainted skin."

"Don't touch me," Val hissed as her eyes narrowed.

"Don't you desire me to teach you the depth of your commitment to your Father? We could begin now. I'll just require this," Wrath purred as he pulled out a small dagger from his belt.

She felt the heat of anger boil under her skin; the more he touched her. "Fucking let me go," she growled.

"Do you feel it? That burning fury within? I imagine you taste so delicious with your passion flared. Has Lucy taken a chance and tried your tantalizing textures himself? It must be like the first mouthful of chocolate anticipating being devoured."

Val couldn't maintain her neutral reaction, she gripped his wrist and snarled. "Fuck off, Wrath," she snapped.

He beamed as his fingertips dug into her. "I love it when you speak like that. It makes me ache to teach you how to utilize that mouth," he snickered as he bent to her lips.

Val needed to separate from him. The concept of taking the dagger from his hand and shoving it in his chest mingled with her summoned passion. There was a reason she loathed Wrath beyond measure-- he brought out the worst in her.

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