Broken Pieces Don't Mend Hearts

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True to his word, Val was informed about the car waiting at about fifteen minutes to one. Narcie paced with Val out the side outlet through the garden and breathed. It might be the last time they see each other for a bit. Val couldn't help but feel hollow. They were the only companions she knew, even if they weren't genuinely her friends.

Narcie kept glancing over at the woman in black.

"What?" Val huffed.

"I've just, well, I've never seen you this quiet."

"That's Narcie lango for 'why didn't you tell me that you and Lucy were a thing.' Honestly, it was entirely a mishap. You really think I would be with Lucifer by choice? My Father told me when the time came, I could make it myself. I suppose he didn't tell me how I would," Val explained as they stopped under one of the trees.

"Well, no," Narcie pouted. "I was just astounded. You practically hate him," she paused at Val's glare.

"Why wouldn't I despise him? He claims a title he doesn't warrant. He has powers he didn't bore before his descent. Of course, I dislike him. He deceived me and is callous," Val hissed with a sneer.

Narcie shifted her head from one side to the other. "I don't know, Val. I guess it's more to do with his objection to your title and crown. My daddy told me that he has no love for the other sins because they believe he isn't truly sinister. How can someone once divine house a sin? It's an interesting thought, isn't it?"

Val rolled her eyes and snorted. "Of course, he isn't! He's too proud to do anything profound. The only thing he was great for was tossing out his own heart."

The flamingo danced around her friend and smirked. "Why didn't you tell me about him earlier? I would have had you introduce us. Curiosity happens to be one of my favorite features. I really, really, want to meet him," Narcie whined.

"You want to meet him, why?" Val hissed.

Narcie smirked and shifted her head. "Well, you know, hah."

Val physically pulled from her and wretched. "Gross, Nars."

"Wait, why? He's quite handsome and probably better at command than most. I'm almost positive that fallen angel can fuck like a sin," Narcie pried with a mischievous smile.

"He's arrogant, self-centered, vain, self-important, oh, and let's not forget, absolutely stiff and dry. Mr. Prim and Proper, all business," she paused when a hand berthed on her shoulder.

"That's quite enough, I don't require any more flattery," Lucifer said as he caressed her skin.

Val's cheeks burned as she stood her ground.

Lucifer glanced over to Narcie. "Thank you, have a good evening, Narcissist."

"Lucifer," Narcie curtseyed and shuffled away.

Val ground her teeth as he shifted on his heels. "Are we leaving?" Val asked.

"Yes," Lucifer responded and propelled his hand to her back, avoiding the wings.

"Please don't touch me," Val grumbled as she departed from him.

Lucifer arched an eyebrow as he flicked his hand in the air. "Well, it seems your generosity is only spared for lesser sins."

"It's spared for those that don't force me into captivity."

He tore off his wings and mask. It was an uncomplicated task but dramatic all the same. The conviction in the movement was startling. "You presume that you're not an inconvenience for me?"

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