State of Life

52 1 0

120 E.D.

The smog in Los Angeles never yielded to perfect sunny days. Even on the balmy afternoons where the heat was at its peak. It was times like this that the very ocean encroached on the air, even in the city. Not a soul alive minded it with the scorching sun hanging in the muted sky. Cars blaring horns. Crosswalks filled with businessmen and starlets. It was a typical day in a usual year.

Life held a different set of rules now. There wasn't truly a shift or revelation, but more so, the foul nature of humans most hid from each other. The lucky were saved. The majority were left wondering how the world could be so cruel. At least those that weren't so ignorant to its shift in the first place.

The microscopic view of two women in flashy outfits highlighted the street view. People peeled from their path as they moved toward the restaurants. It was moments in time that seemed to be condensed to a gaze.

"You think we can get our favorite table, Val?" The woman with pink hair questioned.

Val glanced over to see Miss Bubblegum was taking a selfie with her tongue out. The woman was dressed like an anime character with a short skirt, a white buttoned blouse, and stockings. "Likely, Narcie. You have something here," Val murmured as she swiped a dark fleck from her cheek.

Narcie winked and held out two most extended fingers in a 'V.' "Thanks, lovely. We should totally do another snap together. You remember how crazy Greyson went for the last? I'm still trying to hook up with him and his girlfriend."

"You aren't, or you would have," Val said with a toss of her black hair. "Let's not bring Malick here with that shit."

Miss Bubblegum shrugged and started streaming a video. "As it occurs to the Great and Wonderful Princess of Gloom, we're going to get the best lunch this side of L.A. Who's out trolling for fun? You know we are!"

Val restrained her impatience and smiled while waving. "Hey, guys. I hope you all are enjoying this exciting summer afternoon. We're just stopping for lunch before we have to get ready for the premiere."

The pings of hearts and smiles kept racing across the screen as Narcie giggled. "Let's not forget the best part-- We get to go to the Hell-raising afterparty! Anyone else going? Come on, Biebs, I know you and your crew are."

There was this space in time, the small fractions, that Val wondered what the point was. The likes. The adoration. It all was...

"What do you think, Vallie? Shall we give them a bit to look forward to?" Narcie cooed as they paused their journey.

Val pivoted with an arched eyebrow, and Narcie bent to her. Her jaw clenched in the slightest before she complied. They gave the camera a perfect view of a sloppy kiss. Narcie kept glancing at the screen as the hearts kept popping dramatically. The dark-haired woman seemed less enthusiastic by the audience, sighing as they pulled apart. She mended the lip gloss smear as Narcie laughed while nodding at her phone.

"There's more to come if you make it to the afterparty tonight! Val and I will give you all a great show. T.T.F.N!" Narcie exclaimed before canceling out the feed.

"Do you have to always drop that on me? What if my father sees that?" Val questioned with a slight pinch to her brows.

Narcie tossed her hand before pulling out her lip gloss. "He won't care, Vallie. Anything to make the people want more, right?"

Val just rocked her head before pacing forward. "Well, let's not upset him, alright? I don't need his flack today."

"You're so cute when you're irritated! I promise I'll ask you next time," Narcie said as she skipped up next to her.

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