The Encumbrance of Pain

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When Val left the room, she was curling her arms to her side. Her face was boiling where Cain had struck her. The bruising that would likely ensue on her back was murderous and stingy. She gave him no submission, and in return, he gave her no quarter.

There was a buried part of her that was vain. Prideful that she didn't give him the tears, begging, or docility, that he was demanding. He wasn't allowed to have that part of her. No one was allowed to break that. She was exhausted from the fight, but nowhere near ready to give into madness.

"Bathroom is down that hall, and here's a bit of makeup for you, Miss Drakus," The woman standing at the desk declared.

Val knew it wasn't out of pity or even kindness. It was out of image. If she left beaten and battered, the world would be up in arms. She was theirs. The kit in hand, she nearly wobbled down the hallway. It was abandoned. Clearly, everyone knew to be scarce.

Well, aside from the stranger from earlier. He was glowering at her as she proceeded to the bathroom.

"He struck your face," he voiced.

Val unfolded her posture and ran her tongue over her teeth before speaking. "Well, I don't like to be ordered what to do by monstrosities who aren't my father. What's it to you?"

He narrowed his eyes at her as he enveloped his arms over his chest. "That's unacceptable."

"You can choke on a big one too, bud," Val snapped.

The stranger was in front of her in two tremendous strides. "I meant him, but you should contemplate how you address to me," he warned.

"You going to punch me too? Go ahead and try. My father won't have a problem with me tearing out your pretty eyes," Val retorted as she held up her painted fingers in an intimidating gesture.

He had the gall to smirk at her. "You'll feel differently later, Valkyrie."

"Then how about this. You go ruin that piece of fatty tissue we call a Mayor. It's the least you could do for me. After all, you seem to be a part of his lot. What are you, some rotten corporate owner? Give him a taste of his medicine," Val sounded as she withdrew her hand. "That's how I'd feel any sort of way about speaking to the likes of you."

"Why don't you?"

Val groaned and attempted to breathe, causing her to shudder. "Daddy's rules. Image is more important than my dignity."

The stranger arched an eyebrow and thinned his lips. "You will owe me after such?"

"Yeah, sure," Val sighed as she massaged her side. "I'll owe you whatever it is you want. Money? I have tons. You want fame, not a problem. A human like you would jump at the taste of a bit of it. Just demolish his ugly face."

"I have something in mind. Okay," the stranger said with a nod and held out his hand. "A deal must be struck."

Val scowled and breathed. "What is it you have in mind? I have certain rules that must be abided by."

His lips tugged to one side of his features. "I promise it won't be against his wishes. However, I won't reveal it until a later date. Fair?"

"You must think I'm my father. I don't care what human need you have," she rolled her eyes and took his hand. "Deal."

He caressed her fingers and bowed his head. "It was a pleasure meeting you again, Valkyrie. I'm positive we'll have a very conducive relationship."

When his fingers left hers, she felt that warm bubbling she had last night. It was as if someone doused her in hot water from the inside out. Her skin grew chilled as his eyes caressed her face. There was something familiar about him. Something wrong. Val tugged her hand away and disappeared into the restroom with a massive sigh.

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