Prologue chapter two: Bananaboy

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The sun was close to setting and the group of us were still walking. Luckily for us, Jo and Haneen had both brought lanterns.

"So, guys, they said this place was haunted- so anyone who doesn't like ghosts should probably stick outside. Anyways-- on we go!" Jojo called back to us, he and Jo farther ahead than the rest of us.

I was walking along, slightly out of breath considering- well- I don't go on long walks very often- when I heard a voice.

"Tired, Bananaboy?"

...Aaaaand here goes Austin, strutting beside. He is a lot taller, and it still embarrassed me to be "struggling" like this.

"Eh- not really-" But heck, you know, that was a lie. He knew too. I could tell that he could tell.

"Not meant in a bad way, but you do look the part." Austin laughed. I could tell my face was going a bit red.

"Sorry- was that a bit offensive to you?" He asked with a smirk, noticing the look on my face. At that point, I was a lot red in the face- both embarrassed and kind of... oh, it's complicated.

"Whatever, I am tired. You know I laugh everything off." I replied, giving him a playful elbow to the stomach.

"See? I can still get ahead!" I yelled with a laugh.

He laughed, too, and the two of us chased each other around the trees until I was really out of breath. I had to sit down and rest- and so did he. The two of us must have sat there for a solid 5 minutes, waiting for the others to catch up.

"So, y'think this house is going to be any good... or just another one of Jojo's stupid tricks?" He asked. 

"I mean, we both know about Jojo and what he does, he might just jump out at us from a corner wearing a bed sheet over his head and screaming like he's dying, y'know?"

I laughed. "Could be."

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