Chapter 2: Aadiv's Note

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Jojo began to read the note. I turned to see his hands were shaking as he did so- and what he said would never be what I expected next.

"Welcome to the house on Flicker Road," Jojo started, "Where you brave young people must have just been as adventurous as I was when I was your age. Anyways, this game is called Flicker."

As soon as Jojo finished that sentence, the lights flickered a few times, leading us to look up at the lights. I was starting to feel uneasy.

"Read it." Jo said, shaking Jojo by the shoulder. Jojo snapped out of his trance-like state he was in and continued to read.

"You have been chosen for this game because you are brave. You came out here for a reason, didn't you? Back to the game, though. You don't know that in 15 seconds from when you end this note, the lights will flicker out and one of you will be forced to kill another." 

Jojo had to stop talking again, swallowing loudly and then continuing to speak.

"Your goal is to kill off the opposite team. There will be good and bad roles- and the details will be explained on a piece of paper in your pockets. The leader of the good team is the Detective, who gets clues every night, and the leader of the evil team is the Murderer, who can kill when the lights go off. The murderer's goal is to find their team and kill the others. The good team's role is to stop them... and yes... there will be death. This isn't some stupid kids game that you used to play in grade 1 class on the playground.

Good Luck!

Aadiv, Jian and Natalia- The last winning Evil team"

I couldn't believe it. A murder game? All of us went quiet. I felt my pockets- and there was a piece of paper in it. I was beginning to feel chills- and it wasn't even at all that cold in the house..

Mason was the first to speak. "Th-that's just some... some sort of note by people to scare us- right? I mean- it can't-" Mason's hands were in his pockets, and his eyes suddenly went wide. "No. No way. It can't be real."

I saw others looking for "their" piece of paper in their pockets, and the next thing we knew, Jojo walked in front of us and started to direct us again.

"Listen, guys, I know this is weird, but I say we all go to different places and read our pieces of paper." His voice was getting weirdly emotional- which wasn't a Jojo thing at all. "If they want us to play the game- we have to." 

Jojo then walked into a different room, leaving us to think about our roles. My hand instinctively went for the piece of paper in my pocket. "Please don't be a bad role, please not a bad role- please..."

I picked it out and got "Survivor. Your Goal: Eliminate the evil team. Your abilities: Nothing."

I couldn't help but to breathe a sigh of relief, but I was still shaky. One of my close friends was going to murder another. No goddamn way.

Suddenly, the lights flickered out. 

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