Chapter 1: The Dark Interiors

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The entire place was pitch-black. I could barely see Lara, who wasn't at all that far away from me. Heck, nobody could see a thing- until Jo fumbled around with her lantern enough to get it to glow again. Jo and Haneen both went off to find a lamp- possibly- and the rest of us huddled together, waiting- more like hoping- for one of the two to find something brighter than the dim glow of the lanterns.

"... Guys! I found a light switch!"

Haneen's voice ended the spooky silence we had been in, and the next thing we knew, the lights flickered a few times and turned on. For sure it wasn't the brightest, but we didn't complain.

Well, the inside looked larger than the outside for sure. Still looked pretty old and like it hadn't got much care, but hey, it was still cool.

The living room and kitchen area, (which had the window we came in from,) were fairly open for an old house like this. We all decided to stick together and walk around for a bit, exploring the place.

Overall, the main room wasn't as messy as I thought it was. The counters were stained and cracked and the floor had a lot of water puddles around it- but it was still okay. I could hear Tamia complaining about her shoes getting wet not three steps into our journey. When we got to the living room area, the floorboards creaked under our feet, making a whole lot of noise. A large, overstuffed green couch sat facing a tv from what looked like the 80s. There was another overturned chair with the same ripped-up green fabric covering it, and the dining table, which was between the couches and the kitchen, was seated for many people- but none of the chairs would support anyone's weight.

There were four doors going off of the main room. One belonged to a bedroom with nothing but an old bed frame with a thin mattress in it, and a small blue blanket covered about half of the bed. The second door belonged to some kind of solitary room with a cement floor and one chair. The third lead to a water-damaged bathroom of some kind- that smelled disgusting- and the fourth lead to a concrete-floored storage room.

"...Jojo. A note. There's something here." Jo whispered. Jojo walked over to see, picking up the note and starting to read it.

"Read it out loud." Alec said, trying to look over Jojo's shoulder.

"Fine, here goes nothing."

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