Chapter 3: The Initial Shock

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I was caught up in chaos. 

People were screaming and shoving me left and right, and I fell to my knees, unable to move. I saw the moonlight out of the window and I wanted to run out and jump and just.. get out, but I couldn't move. I was frozen with fear. Maybe it was shock I was going into. I couldn't tell. All I could remember was I'm muttering to myself, saying "wake up, this is a dream, wake up-" 

...before somebody grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and shoved me under the table, sliding beside me and keeping a tight hold of my shoulder. Initially, I had panicked and tried to escape- but the person kept a tight hold.

"Hey, hey, shh- i'm not going to kill you. Calm down." The person whispered, so quiet I could barely make out who's voice it was.

"If I die or not, bless whoever the hell this is," I thought as I heard footsteps prowling around the house. I'm not saying I was calm. The blood was pounding in my head and I was breathing heavily- I wanted to scream- and the next thing I know, there's a hand over my face.

"Shh. You'll be okay." whispered the person next to me. It was so dark I couldn't even see their face.

Then, they too, jumped at the noise of a stab and a scream... with more gruesome noises. I partly screamed, despite trying to be quiet- and the scream came out as a small wince. I could feel the person beside's fingernails digging into the side of my cheek- each second feeling like an hour- and the next thing I know, the lights were turning back on slowly. I looked over at the person beside me, and through the dimly-lit light, I could see those dark brown eyes of Austin's staring right back at me.

"...sorry if my grip got to be too much. You froze up. I couldn't let you... stand out in the open like that." He muttered. I acknowledged, but couldn't speak.

I began to feel a bit better... But the calm in my head didn't last for very long at all.

Austin let go and got out from under the table, but the floorboards creaked as he stumbled back. I got up from under the table and gasped when I saw what had happened.

Blood was dripping off the shelves opposite to us- coming from limbs. 

Severed limbs.

Minji's severed limbs, carefully stacked on the shelves of the house. Her eyes were open, still frozen mid-scream.

Alec started bawling as soon as he saw her, falling to his knees by the blood. I wanted to walk over and comfort him, but I was feeling too sick. The face horrified me. I wanted out. I started running for the windows, when everything got worse.

Mason was hanging by a rope tied to his ankles from the trees beside the window, his neck slit with a piece of broken glass. I couldn't look any longer and turned to the shelves, but that's when even more caught my eye. Vinny's lifeless body was also hanging from one of the lights, a rope fastened around his neck. I closed my eyes, pinching myself and hoping for this unrealistic... reality to all be just some nightmare, praying that none of this was real and we were all okay.

Suddenly, Jane started screaming.


We all ran over to the old TV, and she wasn't wrong. On the screen, the static began to become words.

[Oh my! It appears three have died!]

[The assassin has killed Minji. She has been dismembered and left on the shelves.]

[Vinny has died of a mysterious circumstance. He has hung himself on the light fixture.]

[Mason has also died of a mysterious circumstance. He has been killed by broken glass trying to escape.]

[ . . . ]

[it better be in your head now that there is no possible way to escape until you finish the game.]

I heard screams and gasps, but it felt as the whole world was becoming a blur. I stumbled back from the TV, unable to look at Minji, Mason or Vinny. The blood, the dismembered limbs- it must have gone to my head. The terror grew to be too much, and everything faded to black.

(how much more do i have to write holy heck)

(and since i have this planned out, I do want to see theories on who it is- but no need to write if you desire not)

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