Chapter 11: Reduced to Two

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(guess who's back, even though nobody cares !!! yaaaaaaaay)


"Fine. You got me, idiots." Jamila crossed her arms. A few people gasped.

"Don't look so happy... I'm not the murderer. I'm only the assassin." She laughed, and the fear that I just lost was starting to set in again.

"Minji was an annoying little rat anyways. She needed to go." Jamila laughed again.

God, I'm so pessimistic... but I was still probably going to die now. She wasn't the true murderer... who was?

"Should I tell you? Hah, sure. The murderer is-"

Before she could say any more, gunshots rang out across the room, and Jamila fell dead at our feet, despite none of us seeing bullets. Haneen screamed. I heard Austin swear under his breath. The floors split the same way they had to kill Tamia and her body was disposed of under the floors. Nobody could find the journal she wrote. We were that close! That close to not dying! But no... this stupid house! This stupid, stupid house! I heard Lara let out a muffled sob and saw Austin kick one of the chairs. I wanted to kick something too, but I held the feelings back.

Oh, how I just wanted to get out...


Again, we were stuck with our own thoughts for a couple hours of what the TV called a break. It was getting quieter now, we must have lost almost half of our group. I made a mental note of who was alive and who wasn't. "So we have me, Austin, Jo, Jojo, Lara, Haneen, Alab and Jane."

"And from there, we have two people on the evil team. We're halfway there." I suddenly felt a little shimmer of hope inside my chest. "It might be possible that I can get out of here. Plus, it was in the rules, if the murderer and one innocent person survives, they can both be free..."

"But what about Austin?" The thought hit me and it hurt more than I expected. Him? Dead? I tried to ignore the thoughts of seeing his lifeless body, hung from the ceiling or stabbed in the rickety bed or killed by blunt force and thrown on a coffee table. I covered my eyes, trying to lose the thought of Austin being gone. "Is there any other way he won't die?" I thought to myself. I didn't want him to die.

That's when the second thought hit me.

He could be evil, heck, he could even be the murderer.

I knew he had the sufficient strength to fight Alex and win, and not many more of us here did. Alex wasn't weak.

"But he defended me too many times to be evil. If he were trying to get everyone out, he would have let me die."

"He was hiding with me the first night, too."

"He also seemed to be against Jamila in the last discussion, it can't be him."

"Plus, what about the others? There's only a quarter of a chance he's evil."

"He was also in the clues in Alex's journal. It said either he or Jo was good, and it's likely both of them are."

I weighed the argument in my head out for a little while before deciding, to myself, that I needed more evidence to prove anything.

Trying to ease my own mind, I stood up from the chair I was on and paced around, walking towards the window which I had once seen my own friend killed. I still could hardly believe that this was real. Again, however, I thought back to Austin.

"He may look evil-- but he can't be."

"I could prove if it is him or not. I'm sure of it..."

"I could throw myself in his arms and I know he wouldn't have the heart to kill me... and if nobody died I'd know it was him."

"But what if it isn't him and we both get targeted?"

"What if we both die?"

"What if I have to hear his screams like I heard Dan's- and Tamia's--"

I damn near hit myself across the face to stop thinking about this.

"We'll get there when we get there, GODDAMNIT!"

I looked back at the others and could hardly make eye contact with any of them. I saw Jojo whisper to Jo and give me a glare. What if it was them? I couldn't just assume that it was Austin. He had fought for the good team. However... Jojo and Jo barely spoke. They could be the two.

For now, I trusted Lara, Haneen and Jane... and I was surprised Jane hadn't died yet.

But of course, with two people on the evil team left, anything could happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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