Prologue Chapter four: The Mysterious House

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(listen this is my last prologue chapter pls be patient with me haha)


It was about 8:45pm when we got to the house, but Lara made us stay and watch the last of the sunset before we entered. Although she wanted us to watch, I used that time to look at the outside of the house.

Long story short, it looked just like some old, abandoned house.

There was only one window on the entire thing, and that was the side we approached it from. The window and the door were both boarded down with plywood, only hanging on by a nail or two. The place hadn't got any sort of care for a long time. Burn marks scorched the sides of the house in the weirdest places- I didn't even know how those got there. Otherwise, the outside of the house was a disgusting greenish-tan color... And it looked like they had used popcorn siding on the walls- the exterior walls. The siding crumbled when I touched it. 

The roof was a dark tin color- but it had faded to grey over the years, and had dents from... maybe a hailstorm of some kind? If I could see the chimney right, it was made of red brick- maybe it looked cool at the time it was built but my outfit probably matched more than the exterior of this house.

"It looks okay, doesn't it?"

Jo's voice freaked me out. I jumped back.

"...Sorry. You probably didn't expect me here." She whispered.

"No, no. It's fine," I muttered. "You just scared me a slight bit."

Jo continued talking. "Anyways. Mason said he managed to break the window. Come on, we could see the inside." She walked around the corner and the curiosity in me made me follow.

"... Who's going first?" Asked Mason when we all got there. "I may have broken into it but I'm not sure I want to head in, like, first."

Nobody spoke.

"Fine, you wusses, I'll go check because unlike the rest of you, I'm not scared of this stupid house!" Vinny said, climbing through the window and disappearing into the darkness. We all watched, then Jojo shrugged and jumped in, Jo following right behind him.

"Now or never!" Jane laughed, and climbed in behind them.

I was thinking of sitting this one out as the others climbed in, but before I could object, Austin and Lara grabbed me by both hands and dragged me in behind them.

If only I had decided to sit out and wait. But no, I was there, and that's when the story really starts.

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