Chapter II: The Thief

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"AEZIER FRISCX!" A mean looking guy shouted.

I stopped munching and everyone in the room looked at him.

"Yeh that's me I guess" I answered, he was staring so menacingly that I might melt anytime.

"Oohhh what a tension~" Luka said.

"Let's all sit down first" he continued.

Everyone took a spot around a long rectangular table with that dude still glaring at me.

"I heard there were 6 of them" I stated to break the silence and they looked at each other.

"One died at the port , there were a few impurities" Luka answered calmly

"If only you helped us Mike wouldn't be dead!" A petite girl exclaimed.

"Watching us like that, I guess it's true that those who are thrown to this island are monsters by abilities and emotions" Blonde added.

"Ahahaha not really" Luka stated and scratched his chin.

"Uhm so let me introduce you" Amari said.

"This is Aezier, she is an A rank" she pointed at me.

"Aezier, the blonde girl is Rielle, the guy who shouted your name earlier is Aster, the girl with the staff is Tine, the pale guy is Puck and the beautiful lady in pink is Eris"

I looked at them one by one.

Rielle and Aster are A ranks.
Puck is a B rank.
The remaining two are C rank.

"Why would they send a B rank and C ranks here to train?" I asked.

"Ahhh~ that's our Aezier, so straightforward" Perverted old man said.

"I guess they wanted to try out something new, or they just want to throw them away" he answered then smiled. Cruel.

They all glared at him.

We were silent.


"Ok, by the way Amari explain to them the system of their training so they can rest early" Pervy director asked and Amari nodded.

Why don't you explain it? Aren't you the director here you lazy ass.

"Ahem, you will train in groups under certain instructors with their assistants, we decided to divide you into two groups, in one group there will be only be one A rank, for Team Alpha it will be Aster and Tine, for Team Beta it will be Rielle, Eris and Puck, we will only allow you to enter limited areas because as you already know this Island is very dangerous and in this training acting alone is prohibited" She explained.

"Team A's instructor will be me and my assistants will be Misc and Zeai and Team B's instructor will be the director with Aezier as his assistant, do you have any questions?" she continued

One raised a hand.

"Excuse me, but why can't we all just be in a single group?" Tine asked.

"Because if that's how we'll do it, it's barely gonna be training right?" Pervert Oldy answered.

They looked at each other and it seemed that they all agree.

"If there aren't any more questions, please guide them to their rooms Zeai" the useless director commanded

"Wait" Aster spoked.

"Let me fight her" he continued, looked at me and walked towards me.

"I'm sorry but we can't allow that unless you have a valid reason of course" Luka stood right in between us.

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