Chapter X: The Plan

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10 days have passed since they arrived, as we all discussed everyone met here at the Old Capital.

"Now that everyone's here, without further ado, let the hunt begin" I said and both teams stretched their bodies and headed out.

"Misc, go with Aezier today, something came up and I need to go back to Ishtar" I said while tapping his shoulder.

"Sure" he answered.

I looked at Aezier but she just looked away.

Each of them followed the teams they are assigned to and I made my way to Ishtar.

"Stop right here" I commanded my driver.

"But sir-"

"It's fine, stop right here" I said and he hit the break.

"You won't tell anyone this, do you understand?" I asked and he nodded.

"Drive to Ishtar and pick up the items I asked for at the gate, come back here in an hour" I said before leaving the car.

I started walking to the forest and sensed them nearby.

"What are you guys hiding for?" I asked.

Both of them came out all prepared with their weapons.

"Did you honestly think I would kill you?" I asked and bursted into laughter and I think I laughed for a good 10 minutes.

I took a deep breath and looked at them.

"So how did it go?" Pon Asked.

"You guys are so stiff, we haven't seen each other for so long, don't you guys wanna catch up with things first?" I asked and they looked so puzzled that their forehead wrinkles all showed up.

"When did you want to catch up?" Pon asked with so much confusion.

"What do you mean?" I asked then pouted.

They were silent and more confused.

"I mean how many years has it been? 7? 8? we were even in the same squad right? I was even your captain right??" I said again.

"Did you finally lose it after 6 years in this place?" Sei asked and I smiled.

"So you guys don't want to catch up after all, you're hurting my feelings here" I said.

"Stop messing around Lumen" Pon said in annoyance.

"I'm not messing around you know?" I replied to her and she was glaring at me. Scary.

"We've waited for so long and this is what we get? You even boycotted us the other day! We were waiting all day for you to show up" She angrily stated and just smiled.


"Hahaha, things are complicated, I can't let them find out or else everything will get messed up" I explained

"My men gets worked up when it comes to things like this you know? They're also pretty hard headed" I continued

"Then discipline them"

"I can't"

"Why not?!" she shouted

"T-they'll beat me up kinda hard" I said.

She stared at me in disbelief.

"Beat you up? Did you really lose your head Lumen? You? Get beat up by someone?" She said then smiled like crazy and laughed like a psycho.

"You're creeping me out" I told her and she paused for a moment to look at me and then she laughed again.

"Just tell us the deal" Sei interrupted and I sighed.

"Oh well" I sighed  'Since you guys are being so cold-hearted I guess we have no other bussines here but that" I said.

"Alright, then first, you won't kill anyone, you're only job here is to take Misc back, I'll be the one incharge with the actions" I explained to them and once more they looked at me confused

"Basically all you have to do is wait until I bring you Misc" I said.

"How do you intend to handle everything?" Sei asked

"Do you really have to know?" I asked then pouted. Ahh yes, the disgust in their faces.

"Tsk, whatever, you've settled this with the higher officials right? If we get in trouble for bringing him back alive you'll take all the blame" Pon said.

"Yeah yeah, I will, but if I hear that you brought back a dead body..." They were listening carefully.

"Nevermind, chances are low that it will happen right?" I asked and they looked at each other.

"It's not like we want to die" Pon replied.

"2 days from now, there is a plaza North from the city, that's when you'll come in, before that day maybe you could help us get rid of impurities in your free time" I jokingly said.

"Well It'll be a good past time" Seiryuu answered.

"If that's all there is to the plan then we'll get going" He added and then they left.

I stood there for a while then sat on the ground.

I've said it but it's not like I know what to do. This will be an easy task if not for those hardheaded idiots.

When Misc asked us for help, when I told them to be careful. If they find out I was lying.

If she finds out that I was lying.

I sighed then stood up and brushed the dust off my clothes. I scratched my head as I started to walk back to the road.

I sat up on a tree waiting for the car, 20 minutes have passed then I saw it closing in.

I went down and it stopped in front of me, I went it and the some of the items were there.

We made our way back to the Old capital and Aezier was there when we arrived.

I got out and walked to her.

"What happened?" I asked and she looked at the building we were using as a camping area.

"One of them is injured, Zeai is treating her" She then said.

"The others?" I asked again

"Still hunting" she answered.

"Aezier, If something happens in their remaining days here, don't do anything reckless" I said and she didn't respond.

I looked at her and she was looking at me.

"You're not telling us something" She said.

"You still can't trust after all" she continued.

I felt my chest tighten a little bit and I wanted to tell her everything.

I reached for her hand to stop her, we were both silent.

"It's not that I-"

"I know that there are things you can't tell us, I spoke rashly, I'm sorry" She interrupted.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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