Chapter VI: Mount Viz

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2 weeks ago in Niflheim...

-Third Person's-

"You can all go home and rest in your apartments now because tomorrow onwards we will start our training on Mount Viz, that place is a good training ground for junior and student exorcists" The teacher named Izy explained.

All the kids went back to their rooms with their hearts filled with enthusiasm.

Tomorrow is the day they were all waiting for, an actual training on a place with impurities.

Little do they know about what was going happen to them.

The night passed by fast and every one of them woke up early in the morning to prepare. They packed up their things excitedly went outside the apartment building where they saw the bus that will take them to the mountains.

They were all inside and after the headcount the vehicle started to move as they tell each other what they would do once they arrive.

Three hours of travel and they finally reached the foot of the mountain where they transferred to smaller vans that would be able to climb up.

Minutes have passed and the vans stopped in the front of what seems like an old school building which is now a lodge for tourists.

They went in and explored the place like how children do and after that they went to the rooms assigned to them.

"After you finish putting your things in order come back down in here the lobby" One of their instructors said.

"What kind impurities do you think will show up" a boy asked his roommates while they were fixing their beds.

"Well teacher Chrome said that only a few impurities appear here because of the sacred shrine that's on the peak of the mountain, so maybe they're only weaklings" another boy answered.

"What do you think Mikke" they asked.

"I think they're gonna be weak too because there's only little source of negative energies here" he told them they chit chatted a little more before heading down and still talked on their way.

The couldn't contain their excitement.

When they arrived on the lobby most of their classmates were already there. Their waved at them as they approaches.

They all waited until they're complete and Izy explained things to them.

"Like what I told you at school yesterday we will explore the place in groups, the groups will be the same with what we had on yesterday's activity, 50 of you are here and there are 10 members for each group including your leader, now the group leaders that are assigned please move here on the front" she commanded.

"Ren, Fin, Rie, Mikke and Emma" She called them and gave each of them bracelets with different colors.

"The color in your hands will be you team's name, hand the other bracelets out later to your teammates, we already scouted some impurities to hunt down and let me just inform you that we will only move in a limited area prepared by the Association, let me also introduce to you the exorcists from the North Corporation who will stay with us" Izy said and 4 young exorcists went in front of them.

"My name is Aya, I'm a B rank and a mage type"

"Yo I'm Sid, I'm a B rank and an offense type"

"I'm Louis who's a B rank and an offense type"

"My name is Roselia and I'm a C rank support"

"Nice to meet you" the children said in unison while bowing their heads.

"Now that we're done with that let me tell you who will handle each teams" Izy spoke while holding on to a piece of paper that she reads

"Roselia and Louis here will be on Emma's team, Sid will be on Ren's team, Aya will be on Rie's team, I will be on Fin's team and Chrome will be on Mikke's" she continued.

"Each team please line up in front of your instructors!" She shouted and the students moved to their places.

"Chrome bring me the swords" She commanded and and two large chests were brought in front which she then opened and they were both filled with wooden swords.

"These swords are spirit possessed, as usual since you don't have your own yet this will serve as your weapons" she told them and handed each one of them a sword.

"We will be here for exactly 1 week, today your job will be to find 15 enchanted items that we hid around Mount Viz, each is worth 15 points, the time limit is 10 hours so be back here at exactly 7:30 in the evening, the enchanted items you find is going to be your advantage, why? because in the final exam we will allow you to use them, once an item is found it can't be stolen by the other teams to avoid conflict, if you try to steal from others I'll make sure your team won't be able to participate in the upcoming activities do you understand?!" She explained and they nodded and started talking about their plans.

"We will be able to use enchanted items"

"I can't wait to get my hands on one"

"I'm sure we'll get the most"

"Let's try to get as many as we can"

The room was filled with their ideas and expectations.

"Then if all is clear, all teams can head out now" Chrome said and they all rushed out the door.

Some have entered the forest and some decided to stay in the are in hopes of finding some of the enchanted items.

With this, the events in Mount Viz that ended in a dilemma has started to unravel.

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