Hospital Visit

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Deckard P.O.V

After 3 years, I was finally home & could see my baby brother. He never left my thoughts as I carried out my jobs & continued to be every intelligence agency's nightmare. I couldn't believe Cassie let him get laid up like that. I thought she still remembered who her family was. But, she cast us aside for her new family in LA. With no contracts left, I could finally get Owen the justice he deserved. No one was going to stop me.

I arrived just as the guards were being swapped. My car was an entire arsenal to easily cut through the army guarding him. With no time to spare, I burst through the blockade. I quickly blew up the Humvees with C4 & parked in peace by the front door. I grabbed my machine gun, pistols & grenades to make my way to his room. 

The soldiers reacted too slow as I shot them & tossed grenades at any survivors. I was only focused on getting to Owen & didn't care about the carnage I was causing. After clearing the lobby, the upper floors were a bit harder. The soldiers scrambled to get barricades up & settle into defensive positions. They tried to trap me in the lift but I escaped through the escape hatch. 

I waited on top as it moved up 1 floor below Owen. The soldiers were confused by the empty lift. They slowly came in to investigate. I dropped a grenade when it filled. I tossed a smoke grenade through the door before hopping down. I snuck into the receptionist area & had a good spot to kill them all. With that floor clear, I scavenged their bodies for extra explosives before heading up.

Using the stairs, I snuck past most of the soldiers. The few that were near the exit were killed stealthily. I kept low as I moved through the area & took out teams by surprise. The last cluster of soldiers were eliminated with their own grenades. I could finally walk to his room in peace.

The warpath I made had terrified his staff. The doctor & nurse were cowering in the corner. I ignored their whimpers to look at him. He was badly burned but most of it had healed as red bumpy scars. His left arm was still bandaged up though. They also had him attached to a ventilator along with an IV drip & blood. It was hard seeing him like that. 

The room was nicely cared for & private. It was filled with a few personal items like old war pictures & moments. But one object on the nightstand caught my eye. It was a silver locket Cassie had given them when they were 23. The front was engraved with their company's logo & inside had a picture of them when they started dating. But it was being used to hold down a note. I quickly grabbed it & opened the letter.

Dear Owen,                                                                                            10 March, 2016

I don't know when you'll wake up but I hope its soon. I've been visiting you since Spain. God, I wish you could talk back after all my yammering. I've decided to take a long-overdue vacation in LA. You know why. 

I'm writing you this because this may be the last you hear from me. I wish Spain had gone a different way. You may not believe me but this isn't how I wanted to earn my freedom. You remember how happy we were in Casablanca? I regret that we couldn't have stayed longer or at least have listened to my gut & kept you close. Mrs. Shaw had a very nice ring to it. Now, I have no idea how you see me.

There's no amount of times I can apologise for your condition. Bloody hell, nothing can make up for you getting ejected out of a plane. Maybe the only way to have fixed our mess would be going back to the beginning. Maybe your life would have been easier without me in it. 

After learning the witch forced you to steal, I can't help but feel responsible. I feel like I held the gun to your head even though you'd be telling me that's not true. But, it is at least partially. She wouldn't have gone after you if we didn't have history. I'm so sorry Owen for ruining your life. God, I'm so sorry.

Well, I think you've had enough of me. I'll still try to see you as often as I can. Because I still care for you after everything. But could you do the same? Alright, enough of this heavy emotional crap. Get strong & healthy.

With love,

your Cassie

"Manipulative bitch." I grumbled as I crumpled the letter

It folded into a neat ball that rested on the stand. I went to cool off by the window. I took in the view of the city & Tower Bridge. After a few breaths, I got my mind settled & focused on Owen.

"They say if you want a glimpse of the future just look behind you. I used to think that was bollocks. But now I realise, you can't outrun the past." I shared as i returned to his bedside

"When we were kids, you'd start fights with the toughest bastards in the yard. I was the one who had to step in & finish them. Well, also you know who. You'd steal from the corner shop. But, it was me who' break the old mans belt." I reminisced as I took a seat

"I'd hoped you'd outgrown it. Playing gangster. But, you got harder, smarter...better. But deep down I guess I always knew you'd end up like this. Despite everything I did teach you." I regretted

"Still, you're my flesh & blood. So this is my cross to bear." I swore as I exchanged the cross for an Mp5

"Rest now little brother while I settle you one last score. Don't worry, I won't kill her. She's yours to handle." I said as I tightly held his hand

"Take care of my brother. Anything happens to him, I'll come looking for you." I warned the staff before leaving

I cooly walked through the warzone as the staff tried to treat the bodies. Every floor was a ruined mess. But, it didn't have to be that way if they'd of let me in. I used the lift to get back to the lobby & saw a soldier stumbling to his feet. I decided to mess with him as I grabbed a grenade off a body.

"Here, hold this." I joked as I passed him it & tossed him back

He fell into the receptionist area when it blew. I kept on my way to the car just in time before the awning crashed down. Now, I could move onto finding the current locations of the team.

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