Party Crashers

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Cassie P.O.V

It was handy to be a millionaire in Abu Dabi. We bought our party outfits just in time. I got our things through old friends who happily discounted our fancy clothes. My contacts also brought me the schematic of the penthouse & some concealable weapons for me. With everything set, we went over the plan again. 

Dom, Brian & I would find the vault. Ramsey & Tej would stay in the server room to control the cameras. Letty would find the access point to remove outside control of the alarms. Rome would be partying up to distract the guards when we needed. If everything went to plan, we would be in & out without anyone noticing.

We all went to bed quickly as tomorrow would be very long. I tried to sleep but kept getting nightmares. I cleaned my guns & fiddled with the thigh holster. That didn't take too long so I calibrated the mic hidden in my long earring. Eventually, I fell asleep sitting up on the bed. Rome & Tej enjoyed giving me hell for how they found me. I quipped back just as hard despite being harshly woken up.

 I quipped back just as hard despite being harshly woken up

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I quickly got dressed & looked like the bell of the ball. After double-checking everything, I fiddled with my infinity ring. It was a present from Owen on my 23rd birthday. I choked up a bit as I remembered he swore to give me the real one eventually. I patted my face as I cried slightly. Luckily nothing ran & made me look like a raccoon. 

We all met in Dom & Letty's room to get our tickets from Safar. With our passes, we headed to the party. Brian was my escort as we entered separately to avoid tipping off the guards. The party was packed as we all spread out. Dom, Brian & I would meet up at the bar. 

"No, no, no listen man. They telling me they party like this every day. On this level party every day. This is crazy. I'm going have to move out here." Rome giddily shared as we blended in

Brian & I played our couple role well. We were affectionate enough as we enjoyed our drinks. It was easy to scope out the place as I smiled & laughed, throwing my head off to the side occasionally. 

"I think I'm gonna start a new culture called blarab. You know like black arab." Rome ranted

"How we looking Tej?" Dom asked as he made his way

"We're almost in position." He replied

"Ok, so this is how it works. We gotta move in sync if we're gonna pull this off. So, let's go over so everyone clearly understands their roles. Roman that means you." Tej said, emphasising Rome's tendency for spontaneity

"You know what you're being real unprofessional Tej." Rome pouted

"The God's Eye chip is hidden a speed drive in the prince's car which he keeps in a safe room." Tej reminded 

"I make 8-10 playing close security." Brian pointed out

"Not to mention the prince & his personal bodyguards." Dom worried as I saw the blonde hulking team leader

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