Abu Dabi

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Cass P.O.V

We made it to a friendly airport courtesy of Mr. Nobody. We cleaned up as the plane was loaded up. We selected our cars from his toy shop. I picked a silver & black Mclaren 650s spider coupe. Dom picked American muscle with the charger. With everyone's ride ready, we boarded the plane. I quickly fell asleep on the ride as the fatigue from these past few days set in.

 "Cass, baby." Owen called out

I woke up & was a little startled. We were back in Casablanca. He was unscarred & looking at me lovingly. I teared up as I pulled him down for a kiss. I enjoyed touching him as I flipped us over. When I opened my eyes again, he was burned up like the last time I saw him.

"What's wrong? Don't you love me?" He questioned

"No, she doesn't. She left you to rot in a hospital." Deck cut in as he came through the balcony

"You don't know a damn thing." I snapped as I reached for my spare gun

"Looking for this." Owen said as I felt him point it at my gut

"Owie." I mumbled

"We loved you. Helped you back up after she broke you. This is how you repay us." Hattie scoffed as she & her mum moved from behind Deck

"I didn't mean to hurt you, any of you. I just couldn't let Mia die." I cried 

"I swear I never wanted to put you in that hospital. I love you with all my heart. Owen, please believe me." I sobbed as I leaned down to kiss him

Just as we were about to, he shot me in the gut. I gasped as the pain set in. He tossed me onto the other side & joined his family. As he left the bed, he was clothed. Meanwhile, I was soaking the sheets in my own blood.

"I just don't believe you. Goodbye, Cassie." Owen said as he left 

"Owen." I croaked as I began slipping away

I faintly heard the team calling out for me. I whispered after them as my hearing died. I struggled to keep my eyes open before I finally fell asleep.

"Shhh, it's ok. Momma's got you." Cipher whispered as I started waking up

Catharina Martin aka "Cipher" :

Catharina Martin aka "Cipher" :

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- faceclaim: Charlize Theron

- age: 39 (current)

- family: 

- family: 

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