Finding the Team

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Hobbs P.O.V

After London, my work got a little simpler. I'm not saying that I still wasn't dealing with extremely dangerous people. But, Owen Shaw was a whole new breed. Right now I was happy to get back to the normal grind. Toretto & his family had settled into their new lives after the pardons. Everyone was staying out of trouble. Though, I suspected that Cassie was still doing side jobs. But, there was no evidence on her.

Currently, I was wrapping up some late work. Elena worked with me & was a good partner. I was surprised she wanted to be in LA after the breakup. But, she was a cop at heart. She even started picking up on my bad habits. It was 22:00 & the office was deserted. Even I had enough sense to call it a night after my last coffee run. I just needed to grab a few things from my office before locking up.

"Heading home?" I asked as Elena headed to the elevator

"Yeah. I thought I could stay up but I'm already falling asleep." She replied

"Good. Don't pick up on my workaholic trait. One of me is plenty." I joked

"I don't think I could build up that many muscles. You'll still be 1 in a million." She replied

"Good to know. Don't let me keep you. Little Nic misses you enough." I said to end our conversation

"Thanks. Good night Hobbs." She replied as the elevator opened

"Night." I shouted back as the doors closed

I headed for my office. It wasn't a long walk from the elevators. But the closer I got, the outline of a man became clearer. I walked quietly hoping that I still had the element of surprise. I made it to the doorway before alerting him with a grunt.

"Just one sec." he replied, shushing me like a child with 1 finger

He got a glare from his balls. He was a bald, British man in his early 40s. He didn't appear to be armed but it could have been well hidden in his all-black suit. His focus was centred on the computer screen. He also had a thumb drive connected to it. It was clear he needed information from me. But finding out what was a needle in a haystack. I decided to close the distance & block the door by stepping in.

"You sure as hell ain't the IT guy. So you better start talking before I break that finger 6 different ways & stick it where the sun doesn't shine." I warned

"Agent Hobbs right?" He asked unfazed by my promise

"That's right. I'm also the last man on earth whose computer you want to be hacking into. You just earned yourself a dance with the devil boy. You're under arrest." I sternly ordered

"I don't care about your computer. I'm here for the team that crippled my brother. The one that his girlfriend runs with." He explained which filled in all the gaps. Now I was on high alert as I carefully watched his movements.

"There ain't no goddamn team. It was just 1 man& he's standing right in front of you." I lied

"Well...Letty was right. You are a terrible liar." He commented as He pulled the drive out

With nothing else to get, he kicked my side table over. The papers flew about, briefly blocking my vision of him. He used the distraction to leap over & dropkick me. I fell back into the glass but rolled onto my feet. It was just in time as we ducked it out in the adjacent office. Shaw was quick as he used a flurry of kicks & punches. I was able to block a few but relied on my own strength to overpower him. All I need was a few well-timed swings to knock him to the last glass wall.

He was finally on his back & I hurried to grab him. But, he was quick & went for a nut shot to stun me. It worked but I ignored the pain as I focused on blocking. We traded punches & kicks as I tried to corner him. But, I couldn't force him to go where I wanted. He got his quick shots in & threw me into the bullpen.

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