Tearing up LA

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Cass P.O.V

Brian's hot potato plan seemed to be paying off. Ramsey was safe as Roman & Tej drove her. Letty & I lingered around just in case. But, Brian's car was blown up by the predator drone. He was stuck on foot to get restart the transmission. 

Letty & I stayed close to the boys. The predator drone was on their ass & trying to blow them up. Luckily, they weren't getting too hurt. But, the indirect hits finally wore them down as the car slightly caught on fire. We came in to help & headed to another bridge.

Our diversion worked well. I had the boys while Letty took Ramsey. Roman reminded her to haul ass as we were the last cars. Tej talked Brian through restarting the signal. With not much else to do, we headed over to help Brian. The hack was our best bet to ending everything.

As we pulled up, a line of black SUVs was parked outside. We all felt sorry for Brian as he had been dealing with a small army. I popped the trunk & passed out guns. We headed in to help him.

"I'm at the repeater." Brian said

"The access cables at the base. Just plug it into your phone & Ramsey'll be back online." Tej instructed as Rome & I dealt with a few stragglers

"Brian did it. We're back in! We've got God's Eye back." Ramsey excitedly said

We got into a small firefight heading to the roof. But, Brian had injured them enough to quickly get through them. We met on the roof after Rome let him know where we were. We left to help Dom now that we were finally safe. The boys used one of the many SUVs lying around while I got back into my car. 

We were hauling it since Dom was dealing with most of teh crazy shite. Letty's frantic call for back up pushed us more. She wouldn't be this nervous if she could get herself out. I was more worried as I clearly heard machine gun bullets ricocheting past her. 

We pulled up the craziest scene of our lives. Hobbs was standing in the street with a detached minigun probably from the drone. Letty & Ramsey were trapped in a parked car with bullet holes along the window & hood. But, Dom took a cake as the parking garage was collapsing on him.

We watched in horror & amazement as he narrowly evaded being crushed. I didn't understand why he wasn't heading down yet. I grabbed my Dragunov from the trunk & zoomed in. He was headed for a makeshift ramp which lined up perfectly with the damaged heli. 

He was going to make it until it dodged. He hit the landing bar before tumbling down into the concrete. Everyone rushed to him but I saw he had landed a grenade bag on the legs. I sucked in my breath before taking the shot. I didn't miss as the heli erupted into a giant fireball. Now I could join everyone. 

Hobbs pried open his door to free Dom. Brian helped pull him out as did I as my rifle hung on my back. Letty was right behind us as we laid him down on the flattest portion of rubble. Brian got into cop mode as he instructed Letty on CPR. 

"Dom. Come on, Dom. Come on goddamn it. You come on. You breathe!" Brian yelled as he did chest compressions & Letty gave mouth to mouth. But, Dom wasn't waking up.

"Come on damn it. Let's go. Come on Dom. I need you to breathe. Come on! Come on dom. Comeback. Come on buddy." Brian angrily urged

Letty was giving up & cried for Brian to stop. But, he was relentless. She had to push him away for him to stop. I held onto him out of comfort & to give Letty peace. We all watched her as she cradled him. 

"Dom, baby. I know you're hurting right now. But, I want you to listen, stay awake & focus on me." She urged

"I remember everything. It came to me like a flood. I remember that night in the Dominican Republic." She shared

"The night we got married." She revealed which shocked everyone but me

I started crying as I remembered that night. Letty wanted me as her maid of honour & Dom needed a best man. To please them, I came in a cream dress with a black bowtie. They had a kick out of it as I took my spot behind Letty. With one witness, the padre carried out the ceremony. 

"If you die, I die. And I'm not ready to leave this place yet. This moment is still ours." She sweetly recalled

"I remember everything. I remember it all." She choked up

"It's about time." Dom mumbled, giving us all happy heart attacks

"Why didn't you tell me we were married?" Letty asked

"Because you can't tell someone they love you." He justified

"Hobbs get him a damn hospital please." I sighed

"You all destroy enough things to bring the paramedics." He pointed out as sirens sounded closer

Mia P.O.V

Cass kept Jack & I with Mando in the DR. Thanks to Dom we had plenty of friends to call on for help. At times like this, it paid off to have a large family across the world. He knew how shot my nerves were & did what he could to keep me calm. The short visit from Brian earlier when they were trying for leads was nice.

I was relieved after weeks away that it was finally done. I rushed back home to be reunited with everyone. Harold, Cass's butler, picked us up & took us immediately to the hospital where Dom was staying. He was fine but under observation for a concussion. He was going to be discharged the next day since he was doing well. 

Everyone was staying for his recovery & the little celebration afterwards. Cass had plenty of space for us at her penthouse. She enjoyed the company since it was a large space for 1 person. Rome enjoyed her pad & joked about moving in. Cass played along as we all knew she didn't want Rome to turn it into his bachelor pad. Brian burst his bubble by saying we had already claimed it.

Dom was discharged on schedule. We surprised him with a welcome home party. It was also a marriage celebration too. I was shocked that he & Letty were secretly married. Cass being in on it didn't surprise me though.

With such good news, we partied hard. I enjoyed meeting new people like Han's friends from Tokyo. Cass opened more about her past as she invited some army friends. We were slowly learning about her past & history with the Shaws as it was her old demo unit. They fit well with everyone & enjoyed themselves. 

Deckard Shaw was locked up for good. Mr. Nobody fulfilled his end by bagging the shadow. We were all so happy to be free from his threats. Hobbs escorted him into a secure black site which solidified our safety. We were all eager to continue on with our lives. We were going to celebrate it as a family over the weekend before everyone split up.  

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