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Cass P.O.V

The house explosion got the quick attention of the fire department & paramedics. The entire neighbourhood came out to look. A few neighbours checked on us. The Rossi family brought us into their home while we waited. They were glad we were safe but were curious about the cause. We all quickly agreed on a gas leak. It was the same story we told the 1st responders.

They were hesitant to believe us but had no evidence of foul play. We were allowed to leave. I called Harold, my butler, & asked him to come get us. But, Mia & Brian wanted to take Jack to hospital just in case. We waited with them as the emergency room was busy. I called Letty explaining everything that had happened & where we were. She was glad we were ok & was headed over right away. As I headed back inside, I saw Dom on the phone & listened in.

"Thanks Elena. Keep me posted if anything happens on the ride over. Bye." Dom said

"What's going on with Elena?" I asked as I came into view

"Jesus, Cassie." Dom sighed

"Hobbs is in the hospital. He got attacked by a man looking us up. Elena's going to pick me up in 35 minutes from here." He explained

"Christ. Well, I'm coming. I feel like this is somewhat my fault too." I decided

"Ok, I know better than to try & stop you. But, how could any of this be your fault?" He replied as my nerves built up

"Cassie, does this have to do with Shaw?" He asked as he held my hands

"Yes. After Spain, his family got pissed with me. They pretty much cut me out. Not like I didn't have it coming. But, I think I know who went after Shaw & blew up the house." I shared

"Who?" Dom asked

"Deckard Shaw. Owen's older brother. He makes him look like child's play." I warned

"The house was a warning of how much worse things are going to get. If he really wanted to kill us, he would of planted it closer to the gas line & wouldn't have called before." I revealed

"He wants revenge for his brother?" Dom figured out

"Yep & he'll get it." I said as a tear fell down

"Cass, this isn't your fault. He would of come for us even if you weren't there. None of us are blaming you for what he's doing." He assured me as he pulled me in for a hug

"Would this be the same story if anyone had died?" I questioned

"No. Don't ever think we could hate you. We didn't back then & we won't ever. We ain't letting you go kiddo." He affectionately replied

He held me for a bit before letting go. We headed back inside to check on Jack. The doctor was heading in to examine him. From eyeballing him, he looked fine as his vitals were fine. We were relieved but wanted to be sure. Mia & Brian asked for a catscan which was free this afternoon. With a few hours to kill, they wanted to relax at my place. Harry drove them over as Dom & I waited outside for Elena. She arrived on time in a government SUV & we climbed in.

"Shattered his collarbone. Fractured his leg in 2 places. He only regained consciousness this morning. 1st thing he said was get Dom & Cass." Elena explained as she led us to his door

"He's in there." She mumbled as we tried to ignore the tension. DOm headed back to check on her as I watched from the door.

"You ok?" He asked

"I'm fine. He's waiting. Let's go." She brushed off as she barreled for the door

"I've got something for you." She announced as we headed in

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