See you again

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Cass P.O.V

With Deck behind bars, our lives were peaceful & normal. The Shaws were pissed at losing another son. But, I didn't care since I was able to protect the most important people. LA was my home now. This crew was my home. I'd do whatever it took to protect them.

With the weekend coming up, we were going to have one last party. Jack loved the beach so we decided to drive out to Malibu. Ramsey also wanted to get to know LA before returning to London. Mr. Nobody had a safe house for her to use while she worked with world governments in using God's Eye. The beach wasn't a bad spot to start sightseeing.

Dom & Letty were planning on going on a proper honeymoon. There wasn't enough time in the DR before her accident to have one. We all wished them the best. They were long overdue for some proper quality time. 

As for me, I was easing into retirement. I enjoyed being an aunt. Brian & Mia would need help with another one on the way. But before I could settle in for good, I needed to say goodbye to Owen. I was going to have one last visit & was writing up a final letter. 

Right now, we were all playing on the beach. It was a long drive to get to a more isolated portion of the beach. But, the views & huge waves were worth it. We settled on the shore & made a picnic. There were some logs to use for seating. But, we had enough weighted blankets & chairs to make ourselves comfortable.

Jack enjoyed making sandcastles with us. We did that for a while until seashells were more interesting. Everyone started doing their own thing. Dom enjoyed sipping beers as Ramsey frolicked in the shallow water. Tej & Rome ogled her as their flirts failed. Letty joined me in a deep swim. 

"Relaxed?" Letty asked as I came up for air

"Ooh yeah. God I love this." I replied as I floated on my back

"I thought you'd be beaten up that you aren't lifting something?" She smirked

"Nah. The entertainment is too good." I replied as I treaded

"Oh yeah. Those clowns are real comedy gold." Letty laughed as we looked at the beach

Ramsey had enough of them. She found some kelp & began tossing it at them. Rome panicked & used Tej as a human shield. Tej didn't enjoy that & began chasing him around. 

They calmed down as we had a hearty laugh. Letty & I had to control ourselves to avoid drowning. Once we calmed down, we resumed our diving contest. Dom & brian had to shout for us to come out. We did & ended up being a little pruney from swimming so long.

We gathered around the folding table & our chairs. They had set an extra towel on our seats as we were already drenching our body towel. Tej got caught trying to sneak food so he had grace. Rome enjoyed calling him out as revenge for the seaweed. 

The food was delicious. The jokes continued as we all teased each other. Ramsey was smiling at our childishness. She was adjusting to us very fast. We were happy to accept her into the family. 

After a few rounds of beers & food, I was stuffed. We all lounged around the logs. Brian & Mia played with Jack in the water. He giggled as they splashed around in the incoming tide. It was a happy sight, seeing him with his family. 

We all sat down for a talk earlier about his plans. He opened up about his miss of the adrenaline. But after this job he was more than happy to put it aside. Seeing him with his family, it was clear he meant it. Everyone picked up on this besides Rome. 

"What you nudging me for?" Rome asked as Tej cut off his tanning ramble

"Close your mouth for 2 secs. Just open your eyes man." Tej explained as he pointed to them

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