Mountain Chase

907 21 0

Cassie P.O.V

With us closing in on the convoy, we focused up. Brian called out that she'd be in the bus. Dom, Brian & I led the front as we all sped up. The backup cars saw us & spread out to block us from the bus. It wasn't too bag until the SUV's trunks opened to reveal machine guns. The 3 of us were easy targets as we ducked. 

The bullets were tearing through our cars. We couldn't take more damage so Dom had us get behind our shield: Tej. He enjoyed taking the rounds as his car was bulletproof. We kept close behind each other to remain hidden behind Tej. Biran was behind Tej, with Letty, me & Dom behind. 

"Punch it!" Dom shouted

We all upshifted, knocking into each other. We turned ourselves into a battering ram. Tej ploughed through the troublesome SUVs & smaller sedans. They all swerved off to the sides & a few rolled over. With a clear path, we could get closer to the bus. Biran, Tej & I shot out explosive rounds at the back to create a backdoor. Just as we finished, the side of the bus opened up to reveal larger machine guns. 

"Get out of the way!" Brian ordered as I knew these were high calibre & much more dangerous

We all tried to move out but got hit anyway. Brian was pushed into the mountainside as Tej went through the woods. I was trying to find a blind spot from the guns near the back of the bus.  Dom & Letty trailed back looking an opening to hook onto the back pannel.

"Those aren't guns. Those are cannons. Armour piercing rounds." Tej commented as we got nailed

Eventually, we got behind the bus & away from the guns. We gave Dom & Letty space to move up so they could hook onto the back. They got it perfectly. 

"Company on our tail." I noted as an SUV & sedan chased after us

"We got a present. Brian, Cass, Tej blow it." Dom said, warning me to move out the way

I moved behind Tej as they pulled off the back. Brian baited the SUV into getting close before removing just in time. He got slammed with the back piece & exploded. The sedan backed off & snuck into the woods.

"Brian. You're up." Dom signalled 

Brian moved closer to the bus with Tej behind him. I pulled up to his right side in case he needed someone to catch him. Tej steadied the car as he got up & climbed onto the roof.

"Just a little closer Tej." Brian shouted as he prepared to jump on

Tej bumped his car, closing the distance just right. he made it & had to tackle a guard trying to block his way. I pushed his car off to the side as I pulled out my gun & shot at stragglers while he fought. It helped as he was able to kick his guy off the bus. Dom & I had to swerve to avoid running him over.

As Brian kicked everyone's ass, we had an SUV & 2 sedans shooting at us. We kept them busy by taking some shots. Tej did his best to stop teh bullets. We were all focused on protecting Brian as he brought Ramsey to the back. 

She was a terrified mixed girl. She looked in her 20s & was terrified to jump. Brian counted down before tossing her onto Dom's car. I watched Dom's side as she clumsily landed on his roof. In the woods, I saw a car creeping up. I knew it was Deck. I lingered behind Dom to protect his right just in time. I got it just right as I took on the whole impact. 

"Aggh, you little prick." I groaned as I lightly bumped into Dom

Deck smirked as I scowled at him. My phone began ringing & I answered it.

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