Chapter 8

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Two hours later - yes. Two hours. I took Elsa's hand and practically dragged her back to the car. We both got in and our seatbelt gave the pop and click in sync. I found it hard to be mad at her because... Well, she's Elsa. But seeing her in those suggestive poses with that stupid model.. It made me more than a little irritated.

"are you okay?" Elsa said softly and out the corner of my eye I could see her gazing at me. I wanted to tell her everything, how infuriatingly jealous I was. But I couldn't.

"I'm fine. Just fine" I muttered and started up the car. The purr of the engine managed to calm me slightly and I was grateful for it. It would be wrong to snap at her. "I'm just a little tired. Do you want me to drop you back at your house? Or are you seeing Jack?" my tone became more bitter as I spoke and I had to grit my teeth to stop myself from making a snarky comment.

She had noticed. Unfortunately. "take me back to my house, please... And are you sure that you're okay?"

I started to drive away from the manor, wanting to get away as soon as possible. I shifted the gear and started to speed down the lane.

"why did you make me come inside with you? I don't like that sort of thing. "

She sighed and shook her head "Hiccup, I didn't force you. And what's the issue here? It's just a photo shoot, calm down"

"does Jack know? About the sort of poses and pictures they take? "

Elsa glared at me." it's not a big deal. Calm down. And no, he doesn't know, but he would be okay with it"

My phone beeped then and I cast her a look "I have to take this"

I pressed a button on the steering wheel and Lyanna's voice came from the speakers, "Hic? Where are you? I thought you would be here, the girls are waiting"

I stiffened and then I remembered. About a month ago, Lyanna had invited me to a jacuzzi party with all her friends. And because I was convinced I wouldn't be busy, I had accepted.

"uh, I... I'm a little busy. I thought I would be back by now but I'm  on my way. "I glanced at the time and swallowed harshly. I was already late. But by the time I had dropped Elsa off, there would be no point in even going. "I'm about twenty miles away. I'll try to be there as soon as I can."

I could hear Lyanna's sigh and she spoke again." alright. But we're all waiting for you. And Chelsea is awaiting your arrival"
Chelsea... Which one is Chelsea? "chelsea" I mumbled quietly and tried to rack my brain until I remembered. "Ah.. She's the redhead, right?" I asked, raising my voice "the one who tried to get me drunk a couple of weeks ago"

Lyanna's laughed "yes, that's the one. I have to go. But I'll see you later Hic"

I nodded slightly and ended the call after saying "yep. Bye Lya"

Elsa stared at me "you're having a party with your boss?"

I sighed loudly and look over at her "look, does it really matter? What about you grinding on that model?"

She blushed and I smirked. I had hit the sensitive topic. "does it really matter? You're not my boyfriend.. You can't tell me what to do"

I laughed dryly "no, but I could tell your actual boyfriend. Brothers stick by each others side. Unless they're fighting for a girl"

She rolled her eyes, but the blush still stained her flawless cheeks "you're annoying"

"and you're beautiful"

"well you're handsome"

"not as handsome as the model"

"I would rather grind on you than him"

As soon as the words left her lips, her hand flew to her mouth. She was completely speechless, her eyes wide with shock.

I, too, was a little shocked but I managed to hold it back. I cleared my throat. "oh really"

She didn't reply though.

I drove to her house and dropped her off. I didn't say anything and neither did she. I wasn't too pleased with that, but I managed to ignore it. She didn't have to talk to me if she didn't want to.

I decided I was too tired for the jacuzzi party. Lyanna and Chelsea would understand. I drove back home and spent the evening lying in bed, thinking about the bizarre conversation in the car and the outcome. I wondered what it would be like to be Elsa's boyfriend, and was instantly filled with jealousy. Jack was too lucky. And he didn't even realise it.

My phone chimed and I picked it up, looking at the screen. I saw a text from Elsa
U wanna come over sometime? I have snacks :) remember when we kissed? How about a trip down memory lane ;)


I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like, ages. I've been so busy with school that I actually, kinda forgot about this.
I had a bit of trouble working out an ending too, so I'm sorry it's bad.

Dont forget to follow because yeah XD
And VOTE if you like this chapter
And COMMENT what you think and some ideas, cos my creative juices ain't flowing so well right now

G x

Brothers' Fight for LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora