Chapter 6

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The next few days were filled with fetching coffee, low-fat meals and appointments. I loved my job. Not just because I got paid so much, but also because my boss was like my friend. Sometimes I was invited to drink coffee with her in her luxurious glass office. Lyanna Reynolds was one of the top CEOs in the country and it was an honour to be her friend. Friday nights were the best, when I was invited to hang out with her and her girlfriends in bars. And surprisingly, me and Lya were centre of attention. Everyone laughed and joked with us and Lyanna never said a hurtful word or snapped at me. It was the best job in the world.

"Hiccup?" Her voice called me and I stood from my desk in the corner of her room, going over to her.

"It's half five, you can go home now" She said with a smile, and I returned it,

"Thanks. Oh, and I emailed you the recommendations"

She nodded "I saw. Keep up the good work, and you'll be getting a promotion"

I beamed and thanked her, then slung my bag over my shoulder "Alright then, thanks again. And good luck on your date tonight" I winked, then walked out and into the elevator. A few minutes later, I was driving home when I got a call. Switching the bluetooth on, I pressed a button on the steering wheel to accept the call.

"Hiccup?" A familiar voice rang from the speakers. "It's Elsa. Jack gave me your number. If it's possible can you give me a lift to your place?"

I sighed and did a U-turn, now going in the opposite direction to my house. And to Elsa's. "Of course. I'll be there in five minutes, be ready"

"Thank you so much Hiccup, you're doing me a huge favour. Okay, bye"

Five minutes later, I arrived at her house and knocked on the door. It opened, and Elsa's face appeared. She smiled and walked out wearing shorts and a silvery top "thanks again, Hiccup"

I nodded and watched her get in the car, and did the same "Why didn't you get a taxi?"

"I don't like taxis... An incident happened when I was younger, and ever since I've always been afraid of letting a stranger drive me" 

I raised a brow "I'm a stranger.."

She shook her head and smiled at me "No, you're Hiccup. My boyfriend's brother"

I nodded slightly, then we came to my house. I locked the car and then unlocked the door to the house "I'm afriad Jack isn't home yet. He's at a job interview"

Elsa looked surprised "Wow.. really? Well hopefully he'll do well"

I rolled my eyes and put my bag down on the kitcheen table "yeah. Hopefully"

"What about your job?"

I glanced at her as I pulled out my computer and set it at the charging station "Amazing. She''s giving me another promotion"

Elsa nodded and leaned against the counter, crossing her arms "She likes you"

I grinned playfully "Jealous?" And she immiedietly blushed. I see, so she's jealous that my boss and friend ikes me.. interesting.

She sighed and pulled out her phone "Are you busy tomorrow?"

I shook my head "Saturday is my free day"

She nodded "Any chance I could convince you to take me to my photo shoot?"

I glanced at her "It would take a lot of convincing.."

Elsa looked at me, studying my torso "Mhm" She walked to me and bit her lip shyly, running her hands up and down my chest "Please, Hiccup.." She reached up and left a soft feathery kiss on my lower lip "Please?"

I sighed and looked down at her fingers trailing along my abs "Fine. What time?"

"Pick me up at one" She smiled at me and wandered to the living room, blushing yet obviously quite pleased with herself.

I nodded and turned to my computer "Great. It's a date"


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