Chapter 11

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I had stayed the night at Elsa's house, in her room. She had insisted. She gave me special cream and medicine to help my burns, and also kissed me... To help my burns, she said.

The next morning I woke up, light streaming through the crack in the curtains. I groaned and rolled over, burying my face in soft blonde hair. I froze.
Elsa had gone to sleep downstairs on the couch... Why was she here?!
"Elsa..? " I grumbled and tried to force my eyes to work. They were blurry and I frustratedly wiped the back of my hand across them.

Elsa lay perfectly still, apart from her chest which rose up and down with her breathing. "yeah?" she said softly and slowly turned to look at me.
"Why are you here? You went to sleep on the couch.. "
Elsa frowned slightly at me, "I wanted to keep you company." she said simply, as if it could solve the problems of this truly fcked-up situation.
"I need to go home... Jack's gonna kill me"
"Why?" she asked softly and I nearly growled at her.

She blinked and stared at me "Yeah, but we didn't do anything. We couldn't have. You burned your--"
"I know what I did!!" I sighed and tried to calm down, standing from the bed and then instantly sitting back down again. "where are my clothes?"

Elsa sighed and got up, leaving the room and coming back with my jeans and shirt. She must have washed and dried them, because they smelt of washing powder and the coffee stain on the crotch had gone.

"Thank you"
"For what? "
" Washing my clothes.. "
She shrugged, acting as if it were nothing. "It's fine"

I got dressed and noticed she was watching me. I blushed lightly, embarrassed from her stare.
"I like your tattoo" She said quietly, walking to me and stopping me from pulling my shirt on. She stepped behind me and traced her fingertips over my back, where the dragon tattoo was imprinted into my skin. Her nails skittered across my skin and I shivered.
"No problem. Are you leaving now?"
"I have to. Jack will be wondering where I am, and I need to sort out all the work I missed from yesterday to be here"

She slowly nodded and pouted, "couldn't you stay a little longer? I'll make you breakfast"

Right on cue, my stomach growled and rumbled and I grimaced, a little embarrassed. "sure. Beats an over-expensive latte and a muffin"

Elsa nodded and smiled beautifully, making my heart stutter. She took my hand and led me downstairs, to the kitchen. I sat on one of the bar stools and ran my hands through my messed up hair. "Aren't your parents home?"

Elsa shook her head while she poured milk into a container and attached it to the coffee maker. She grabbed a mug and the machine started working. "No, they're in Vegas. They own some clubs there"

I nodded slowly, "Do they leave often?"

Elsa looked up sadly and nodded "It's lonely. But that's why I make sure I always have a boyfriend to keep my company." She went into her refrigerator and took out some peaches, grapefruit and strawberries. I grinned. Nothing better than exotic fruit in the morning. I get tired of the usual cheap apples and pears.

"And that's why you have Jack? Why would you want him though, when you could have someone your own age. My little brother is nowhere near as mature as you"

She shrugged and started to arrange the fruit into a bowl "I don't know. He's cute and sweet, he buys me flowers and chocolates every month... He's a lot better than some douchebags around here."

I smirked slightly and gazed at her intensely, "Am I a douchebag?"

She saw the look on my face and blushed bright, pushing the bowl toward me in a flustered manner. She kept quiet though, not answering.

"Am I, Elsa?"

She slowly shook her head, not daring to look at me.

"Then what am I?"

"You're one of those guys who are perfect, players, hard to get. They break your heart, but you still want them. No matter what shit they out you through" she said ever so quietly.

I raised a brow, "what makes you think that you can't have me?"

She stayed stock still, not moving and not looking at me, "Lyanna. All those friends of hers"

I frowned at this and hopped off the bar stool. I walked round the island to get to her, pulling her forward into a hug. I felt her head nudge into my neck and I smiled softly. "Some things are a lot easier than they seem"


Okay, I'm suffering writers block here, and I would really appreciate it if you could maybe inspire me, give me ideas.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2015 ⏰

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