Chapter 5

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Hiccup's POV

I sat in the driver's seat and sighed softly, putting the keys in the ignition. Elsa sat beside me and looked at me "I love your car"

I smiled "She's new... Saved up for two years for this baby. Finally have my perfect car."

She nodded and looked down "Jack doesn't have a car" She sighed "Thank you, by the way. For driving me"

I nodded and closed my eyes as the engine started to purr. I loved this machine, this car which was almost like it had been made for me.

"You two are so different"

I turned my head and opened one eye lazily, looking at her "What do you mean?"

She shrugged and looked down, blushing lightly "Well he's so open, kinda rough, and mischievous. And you're like the opposite. I hardly know anything about you, unlike Jack tells me anything I ask. You're gentle and sweet, and serious about things"

I stayed quiet as I thought about this, then pulled the car out the driveway. I started driving smoothly up the street. "Are those things about me good... Or bad?"

She smiled slightly, and looked up at me. Studying my face while I wasn't watching "Good things" She said softly.

I nodded slowly as I concentrated on not crashing into my slow neighbour, who happened to be reversing up the lane "I see. So where do you live?"

Elsa stayed quiet for a minute before hesitantly saying "Greenbrooke. Number 3."

I raised a brow, surprised by this answer. Greenbrooke was the small street made specially with pools and big gardens for all the splendidly rich people in the city. My house is reserved in the Number 9. True, I made an extremely well-paid job and could buy the car easily if it weren't for the fact that I was also funding for Jack's education. But if Elsa lived in Greenbrooke,Number 3 then she must be loaded. The houses are numbered accordingly from richest to least rich on that street. But still living on Greenbrooke street was an amazing achievement for anyone.

"You want to talk about it?" I asked quietly, and she shrugged. "Why not?" was her reply.

"I wasn't sure if you'd be comfortable with telling me. You don't have to"

She didn't try to argue, instead she just said "My dad is Brian Anderson, the voted top actor in Hollywood, My mother, Hope Anderson is the famous singer. And I sing, and model. My sister is a professional ballerina"

"Wow" I blinked, and started driving through the busy city to Greenbrooke.

She sighed softly and moved her hair behind her hair "It isn't really a big deal to me. I am who I am. Not a rich bitch or anything, I'm just me"

I smiled kindly at her "Jack's a pretty lucky guy"

She shook her head and looked out the window, acting as if I understood nothing "He's younger than me... It's a little embarrassing but he's a good guy and I don't want to hurt him"

"How old are you, then?"


"Ah, I see. Jack is seventeen"

She looked at me with her icy blue eyes "And how old are you?"

"Twenty-five" I said, and pulled into Greenbrooke street "We're here"

She nodded and sighed again "Great.."

I pointed to the end of the road where there was currently construction going on "In five years, my house will be there" I said proudly.

She stared at it, then me "Really? I didn't know you were rich"

"I'm private assistant to a big CEO. She pays me well, plus takes me for drinks on Friday nights with her girlfriends"

Elsa nodded and looked away as I pulled into her big house "Great. Good for you" She said bitterly, and sighed yet again "You wanna come in?"

I shook my head and got out the car, walking swiftly to her door and opening it for her "I'm fine"

Elsa stood up and smiled "Such a gentleman. And how should I tip my chauffeur?"

I laughed and grinned at her "How about a kiss?"

"My pleasure" She said quietly, and kissed my cheek "Take care, Hiccup"

I nodded and watched her run to the front door, unlock it and run inside.

I shut the door, then went back to the driver's side of the car and got in. I drove back to my house, and yelled up the stairs when I got in "DON'T WORRY, I DROPPED YOUR GIRLFRIEND OFF AND SHE'S FINE!!" then went back to bed.

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