Chapter 3

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Julie didn't know what to expect. She thought Luke would skip over the details, be ashamed of his past, try and act all grown-up. But, no.

He told her everything.

And it was heartbreaking.

Because every time he talked about loose ends and going through an imaginable amount of pain, it reminds her of the night of the Orpheum, when she thought she would never see them again. It broke her into a million pieces wondering if she would have never gotten to truly say goodbye or confess....

And now that type of emotion was coming out of Luke.


And he was still tugging on her hair.

Why did this suddenly feel so...


His fingers suddenly stopped moving, and the room was quiet.

Slowly she turned to face Luke again, failing to hide the few tears she had cried. He looked at her with kind eyes.

Those freaking eyes.

"Jules, why are you crying? It's my pity party."

But it wasn't. It was their pity party.

He wiped his finger across her cheek, catching a tear as it fell down. Quickly she wrapped her arms around him, trying to make him do the same.

And he did.

And it felt amazing.

Because Luke trusted her enough to tell her about his past, to share his emotions with her, to be alone with her and not care if someone ruined the moment.

She wanted to have that courage.

So when he looked at her, his eyes glassy and whole, she leaned forward and hugged him again, tighter, his shirt caught in her iron grip.

They sit there in silence, waiting for the other to release their hold, but they don't.

It's slightly calming for Julie, them both being so caught up in each other. She starts to wonder for him, after being a ghost clutching onto air for so long. She wonders why she never tried to hold him again after the Orpheum. It made her feel warm inside, like when she had hot fudge drizzled on a Belgian waffle for the first time.

She lets him go after what feels like forever, relishing in his warmth as a chilling wind yet again sweeps through the studio.

His hands linger on hers for a moment longer than she expected, silently saying goodbye with an affectionate gaze.


And in that moment, the sunset lighting her face with an orange glow, she looked perfect.

Because Julie Molina would always be perfect to him.


Nobody was perfect.

But that.


Julie couldn't seem to get Luke out of her head. Not when she scrubbed her scalp 6 times with lavender shampoo. Not when she checked her phone for a text from Flynn. Not when she finally laid in bed, curled up underneath the blankets, trying to sleep.

She shivered beneath the covers, clutching the fabric to her chest. She thought she was going to be warm, but keeping the windows open didn't help when it was barely 40 degrees outside. The voice in her head was telling her to get up and close the windows or else she would freeze to death.

But she also couldn't forget the feel of Luke's arms wrapped around her waist, both of them pressed together. It felt freeing, but it was if they were both holding on for dear life. She wonders if she had just tilted her head up a inch, if she had pressed her lips against his own.

For the moment, what happened was okay.

No, it was more than okay.

But she wouldn't let herself get pulled into useless fantasies so slowly, she closed her eyes, her ears straining to hear the lullaby she could hear coming from the studio.

It was a cute melody, catchy and light, and she felt like she had heard it before.

Before she could think about it again, she had already drifted off to sleep.


Hey guys, sorry this is such a short chapter. I just wanted to say that, again, there is small violence in this(not an overwhelming amount but if you don't like evil  Caleb, I would not recommend the next chapter).

Again, sorry to stop this short but i just wanted to be clear. 


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