Chapter 10

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Omg, where have I been! Sorry to update so late! 


Luke stared at the unconscious girl before him, not attempting to contain his shock and horror at the pleasure this seemed to bring Caleb.

"It's a simple trade really. You give me your soul and the girl goes free," Caleb told him.

Luke glared at Caleb, the anger and exhaustion finally setting in. He was on the verge of giving into sleep, but he forced his eyes open as Caleb's presence seemed to swallow him whole.

"Oh come on, Luke. Let's have a little fun shall we?"

Caleb snapped his fingers, and in an instant, Julie's eyes popped open, the fear and confusion shining through.

"What...Luke?"She rasped, her eyes meeting his.

"So glad you could join us my dear!" Caleb taunted, venom dripping from his voice.

"Why don't we get started."

With a wave of his hand, the smoke around Julie faded as her feet found the floor. Caleb came over to stand behind her, his fingers hovering over her arms as if he was afraid to touch her. Luke saw red as the anger he felt seemed to burn deeper in his chest.

"You see, Julie here has some magical properties I can't quite decipher. But you don't seem to wonder why she has them. No, they just seem normal. But Julie is far from normal."

Luke watched as Julie lifted her hand and tried to swat Caleb's hand away, but he only caught it and brought it closer to his face as if he were studying her.

Julie flinched and Luke wanted to scream.

"You are truly a fine specimen. Let's see what you can do."

Caleb again waved his hand and threw Luke back into the wall, crushing the mirror into even smaller fragments. He groaned in agony, his vision suddenly getting blurry. This couldn't happen now. Not now.

He could see Caleb grin in his peripheral view.

"Now Julie, let's look Luke over shall we? He's clearly using you. All he cares about is his music. Did you think he could love you?"

Luke shuddered as he watched Julie, clearly in distress, shaking her head, her hands balled into fists at her sides.

"Stop it," she whispered, her eyes fixed on Luke.

"Come on Julie. Let down your walls. We can fix this while he's here and unable to defend himself. We can end him now."

"Stop it!" Julie screamed. "Get out of my head!"

"Oh but Julie dear, we can't do that. No, we need to kill him and take his soul. Come on. Once and for all we could end all this pain that you feel. Untouched feelings, reserved thoughts. We could let it all out once you finish him."

"Stop...." Julie protested again but this time it was weaker and Luke could only watch as Julie's eyes slowly turned purple. 

Luke whipped his head to to Caleb, seeing if he could beg or plead, but Caleb's eyes were rolling into the back of his head, his hands carefully placed as they formed illegible signs in the air.

Okay, so possession isn't pretty.

Luke turned back to Julie who was slowly walking towards him. He scrambled to sit up and defend himself, but he felt like he was being tethered to the spot. Whether it was magic or just his train of thought he knew why he couldn't move.

He couldn't bring himself to hurt Julie, possessed or not.

"Jules come on. I know you're in there. We need to stop him before he can hurt anymore people."

"And why should I trust you?" Julie responded, her voice so angry and unlike Julie, Luke couldn't help himself as he flinched at her tone. Julie smiled.

"You're already afraid of me. Why not put that to good use."

And then she was hurling fireballs at him. Fireballs. Balls of literal freaking fire were being thrown at him. By JULIE!

Luke dodged another ball, the flames licking at his shirt as he collided with the floor each time. He was exhausted, but he couldn't stop moving or risk being killed by one of Caleb's magical projectiles.

He couldn't show him he was afraid. 

"Julie," he panted, "please. Please come back to me. I need to tell you how I feel-"

He flew to the side before he could be singed by another ball.

"Or if you feel the same. Julie it's driving me crazy and I am not going to die again without telling you-"

He jumped again before one could land on his feet. He raced to grab her but was pushed back by a sudden wave of energy that sent a flash of pain through his body.

"Without telling you-"

He was knocked down again, flat on his back, the wind being knocked out of him as he stared up at Julie. But not his Julie. His Julie had a smile that could light up a room, a voice that could shake the world. He didn't know this Julie but she was in there. Somewhere. He was going to get to her or die trying. 

"Without telling you that I love you, Jules, because I do. I love your smile, I love your laugh. The gap between your teeth and the color of your eyes. I love every fucking thing about you Julie so I'm telling you that you that need to come back to me. Because I'm running out of time Jules."

He clenched his teeth as another searing jolt of pain ripped through his body.

"I'm running out of time and I can't leave until I'm able to say goodbye. Goodbye to the real Julie. So I need you to fight because I can't. Please Jules. You're stronger than you know."

Possessed Julie stopped in front of him, her eyes blinking and he let out a sigh of relief as he saw some of the purple in her pupils fade.

"That's it Jules. Keep going. You're almost there."

The purple continued to fade until her body shook and she fell to her knees. Luke's eyes went wide as he watched Caleb slump over in his seat. But before Luke could say "I told you so", another jolt of pain shot through him before Caleb could finally disappear.

His vision continued to grow dark, the pain overwhelming him as his eyes fluttered closed.

"Goodbye Jules. I love you," he whispered, barely hearing his words over the noise and images colliding in his head.

He thought he heard someone screaming his name, a tug on his hand, a gentle touch on his forehead.

But by then it went black, and he fell asleep with screams echoing in his ears.


That was a lot. Sorry I haven't updated in forever and I'm hopefully going to finish within the next chapter and then we shall have an epilogue. My cliffhangers are a part of me now.

Tell me what you all think in the comments below!

P.S. If you haven't already, check out the other works under my name!


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