Chapter 4

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Hey guys! So this chapter has a few surprises! One, I do not own the characters or plot, but I do own the lyrics in bold. They are my creation!

Also, like I said in the previous chapter, this is a dark chapter so, just expect creep, stalker Caleb vibes.

On with the show!


When she opened her eyes, she couldn't see.

Not like the black type of darkness can't see.

The "I'm blinded by the sun" can't see.

Raising her hand above her eyes, she tried and failed to keep the light out of her eyes. And as she slowly adjusted to it, the world around her came into view, and she found herself back on the Orpheum stage.

Except this time there were no lights or screaming crowds.

It was just her.

"Case of deja vu?"

Julie shivered, turning around to face the unknown voice.

Maybe she wasn't alone.

Turning back to the front of the stage, she saw a man dressed in all black, a top hat and cane accompanying his deathly, tailored look.

She stared at him, captivated by his smile and demeanor. She was finding herself being drawn to him, almost like a magnetic force was pulling her to him.

She inched closer.

"You must be Julie."

"W-Who are you?" Her voice barely above a whisper.

He chuckled, waving his hand in the air. Julie watched in awe as his cloak and hat disappeared into black smoke.

"How rude of me. I forgot to introduce myself."

With a flourish, Julie found herself sitting in a chair facing the stage. Bright spot lights illuminated the space, as silks and hoops draped from the ceiling. The room suddenly started to fill with people dressed in suits and fancy cocktail dresses. A crystal chandelier topped off the Victorian Era-esque look. This wasn't the Orpheum anymore.

A thumping rhythm erupted from the stage followed by a loud blast from trumpets. A spotlight found itself focused on the man who was seemingly running the whole thing, who was now back with a purple suit.

"The name's Caleb Covington."

Julie shuddered, the name immediately putting off some red flags.

Caleb was the guy who tried to steal the boys' souls.

And now, she was barely ten feet in front of him.

A steady beat echoed throughout the place, and Julie noticed the people nodding their heads along, almost in a trance. Julie struggled to stand, but she found herself practically glued to the chair.

She couldn't move.

Why did this all of a sudden seem like a very bad place?

The beat continued to thrive throughout the room, and Julie could hear a melody escape within the steady bass and drums.

Welcome to my magic show

The looks of which you've never seen

It might seem like your worst nightmare

But i'm making it a dream

You can try to make a move

But there's a tune running through your veins

A Julie and the Phantoms FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora