Chapter 6

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Oh my gosh you guys, it's been forever! But I'm back so get ready for some DRAMA!


(Also, please check out my new series Juke Oneshots if you haven't already:)


The boys were on edge to say the least. 

And this time, it was not the Edge of Great. 

After Julie had told them about her dream, Luke and Reggie poofed out of there as soon as they could, still wary after the whole horror-movie thing. 

The moment they landed in the studio, the air was heavy with unwanted questions and undecidable answers. Always the one to break the ice, Reggie chimed in with a very random conversation starter. 

"I wonder what that black stuff was made of."

Luke didn't move or flinch or respond or anything. He just sat down on the couch and sat as still as a rock.

"I mean, it looked like sand, but do you think there's such a thing as black sand? It looked like something out of a horror movie so it probably was fictional, but still."

Alex poofed in then, a sad but determined look on his face. 

"Julie calmed down and I was able to get a little more information out of-Luke, are you okay?"

Reggie turned around to find Luke with his head in his hands with his shoulders shaking up and down. 

Luke was crying.

Reggie and Alex had seen Luke cry before and it was heartbreaking to watch. 

The first time was when he ran away from home, the second time was when they died, third and fourth time when he visited his parents after his death(which included the time he went with Julie), and fifth time after the Orpheum when they were about to have their souls ripped out of their bodies. But this.

This felt like someone took a knife dripping in emotional pain and stabbed them all with it. 

These boys were more than a band. They were family. They've been through so much together, even death, that it was almost like they had a special bond. 

But this was different than the bond they had with Julie. With Julie, they couldn't feel the others pain or know what they're thinking. Together, as just the boys, they knew what they were thinking. They protected one another.

They just couldn't protect them when they needed them the most.

Both Alex and Reggie came and crouched down in front of Luke, their hands both resting on his knees.

"Luke, I just did this with Julie. You can tell me what's going on," Alex said, his eyes focused on the top of Luke's head. 

"And I'm here, too," Reggie said triumphantly.

They heard Luke chuckle at that. 

Reggie was always the one to make Luke laugh, well, if you didn't count Julie, or Carlos, or Alex....

But that's not the point!

Finally, finally, Luke lifted his head out of his hands, his eyes red from crying. 

"I just, guys, I'm scared. Scared for myself, scared for you, scared for Julie."

He said her name as if it was poison, the name barely a whisper on his tongue. Alex and Reggie stared at him in concern. 

"I don't deserve her," he groaned, bringing his hands to his face. 

"No!" They both shouted.

"For god's sake, Luke, for once in your life would you stop being an idiot?"

Alex looks at Reggie with a surprised look on his face. Reggie stands, and they know what's coming.

A speech.

"Luke, you and Julie are perfect for each other. You guys are practically soulmates. Alex and I have never seen you so happy before."

"It's true," Alex chimes.

"See? I've seen how you act around each other. You guys act like it's nothing but it's so clear to see that you guys are crushing on one another."

 And I can tell," he said, staring into Luke's eyes, "because I have heard both talk about each other, pine over one another, and write songs about one another."

"She wrote a song about me?" Luke yelled.

"Not important!" Reggie gritted.

"The point is," he said, coming back to crouch down next to Luke again, "you and Julie deserve each other. Hell, you love one another. But you can't keep dancing around your feelings without addressing them, because if somethings happens and you guys never get to tell each other how you feel, that's on you."

Reggie stared at Luke for what seemed like forever, but then Luke stood up.

"You're right, Reg. I'm going to go talk to Julie," he said, bolting out the door.

Alex put an arm over Reggie's shoulder.

"That was- I mean- How did you-"

"Genius, right? I mean come on, we've all seen it. And there is no way in hell that I am letting the other lover die without seeing them kiss at least once."

"We can agree on that. But not the death thing," Alex grimaced.

"Was it a bit much?"

"Yeah," Alex answered before falling back into the couch.

"You know that we're going to be okay, right? We're not going to die again," Reggie stated, almost as if he was trying to make himself believe it. 

"Yeah, yeah, I know."

But as Alex said those final words, he knew that he was lying.


Okay, we all love brotherly Reggie! Also, sorry for making this such a short, sad chapter.

I do that sometimes.

If you haven't already, PLEASE check out my new series Juke Oneshots under my name.

Also, please check out my partner in crime kec4238 for her story "The Ring" and if you like Marvel, she has a new story called "Falling Behind". I would highly recommend both.

Thank you so much you guys!

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