Chapter 5

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Hey guys! So sorry this took so long! Not my favorite chapter, it's more of filler but the guys are so important I really needed their perspectives. 

This is going to be a very emotional chapter so grab a box of tissues and your favorite mug of hot cocoa. 

The lyrics (in bold) are written and owned by me. Stand Tall is a song I do not own but it is put in italics. It is amazing!

Thank you!

On with the show!


Luke was in awe the moment Julie he left the studio. He wondered what she was doing right now. If she was thinking about him every single second.

He definitely was.

As ideas popped into his head, he raced to grab his songbook and jotted down random lines.

You're surrounded by sunshine

And I can't help but love you

Forget the pain of yesterday

Let's focus on our glorious discovery

He was so caught up in the lyrics he didn't notice that Reggie and Alex had poofed in until he heard Alex scream,


Luke jumped, snapping his book shut as he turned to face Alex and Reggie who were standing in the doorway.

Well, Alex was in the doorway.

Reggie was too busy jumping down from the loft and into the piles of clothes on the floor.


"Reggie!" Alex screamed, his face red. His eyes turned back to Luke, rage burning beneath his blue-grey eyes.

Reggie froze in the middle of the clothes.

"Alex, don't yell at him-"

"What the hell is going on, Luke?! First Julie goes outside without saying a word, then she comes back on with the weirdest smile on her face, and now I come in and you're writing a love song!?"

"I did not-"

"Really?" Alex mutters, poofing over and holding the book up to Luke's face.

"What exactly happened here, Luke?"

Reggie looked at him with a confused expression on his face.

"You guys didn't-"

"No! Of course not!"

He wonders how they even got that idea in their heads.

Okay, maybe it was kind of obvious but they would never do that.

Julie wouldn't want to do that.

Would she?

"Okay, well then, what did happen?"

Luke turned back to Alex, but before he could say anything a brief hit of nausea caused him to flicker in and out. When he finally regained composure, all of them turned towards each other.

"Julie," they said in unison.

As if on cue, they all poofed out and somehow made it into Julie's room and what Luke saw shook him to the core.

Julie was floating in mid-air, thrashing and kicking as circles of black dust twisted around her.

They were all standing still until three simple words made their way out of Reggie's mouth.

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