Chapter 9

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Oh my gods, guys. I'm so sorry that I have been out of it. Finally, after an epiphany, I have come back, and I am hoping to finish this within the next couple chapters. Thank you to all of the people who have stuck with me and please, if you enjoyed this, check out other works under my name!



Luke's eyes widened, jumping up from the mattress and putting space between him and 

"That's not a very warm welcome," Caleb chimed.

"Where the hell is Julie?" Luke seethed, clenching his fists at his sides.

Caleb took a few steps forward until Luke was backed against the wall. Before he could blink, Caleb placed a hand on Luke's shoulder, freezing him in place. His smile seemed to send an eerie feeling into Luke making him nauseous.

"She is somewhere where I can contain her. She was a problem and I eliminated it."

Luke's thoughts were running at a mile a minute. This sick bastard had contained Julie, caged her, because he saw her as a freaking threat?!

"," Luke coughed, his breathing uneven.

He didn't know why but he felt like he was drowning, his words scraping and clawing it's way up his throat, and he collapsed from the pain before he let a guttural scream.

"Oh I know how you feel. This is just the least amount of pain I can give. But who said I can't make it hurt?"

He smacked his cane against Luke's side and Luke cried out in pain.

"You boys sure know how to put on a show, but at least I know how to make an entrance!"

Caleb dragged his cape over Luke and when Luke opened his eyes, he found himself in a hall of mirrors.

His pale reflection stared back at him and he staggered and tripped over himself before he could stand up again, the effort sending a wave of pain through his body.

He knew what was happening before it happened.

He was dying.

He propped himself on the mirrors, leaning his weight on the cool glass as he focused on breathing in and out. 

He couldn't die again, not now. Not without telling Julie how he felt. Not without saying goodbye.

He continued to slide down the walls, catching glimpses of colors as he trailed through the hallway. For a moment, he thought he was going insane, that this was the end. But when he focused on the trails of red and blue, he saw them starting to take shape.

And what he saw shook him to the core. (A/N Perfect Harmony reference? anybody? no? ok)

Facing him, spotlights shining where they stood were Reggie, Alex, and Julie.

"Luke?" Reggie called.

"What's going on?" Alex screamed.

"You aren't real, you aren't real, you aren't real," Luke muttered to himself.

But the more he said it, the more he couldn't believe it.

Every detail, down to the stitching in their clothing, was there. They had to be real. He was about to turn a blind eye and walk away, when he heard Julie.

"Luke," she whispered, her voice trembling. He could see tears streaming down her face.

"No. No, no, no, no, no."

"Luke! What's happening? Help me please!"

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME!?" Luke screamed into the darkness.

His heart clenched in his chest, the pain only growing as he shook with fear and exhaustion.

"Please! I'll do anything you want just stop!"

"Really?" Caleb's voice echoed through the hallway and Luke watched in horror as Julie, Alex, and Reggie's reflections melted together to form the image of Caleb smiling down at Luke.

"You should be careful what you wish for boy."

"What do you want from me?" Luke cried, his voice hoarse and quiet.

"So many questions, so little time," Caleb laughed coming to stand above Luke.

Luke ignored him, instead, he watched his tears fall silently on the dim-lit, tiled floor.

"Look at me boy before I make you," Caleb growled.

Luke again ignored his words, but instead of insisting again, Caleb lifted him by the neck and slammed him against the glass so hard it cracked.

"I will not be defied. I am as powerful as the gods these humans worship. I could smite you where you stand!"

"But you don't," Luke choked out. "You're weak and you know it. Don't flatter yourself."

Caleb's grip on Luke tightened but something seemed to flash in front of him and he let Luke fall to the floor, gasping for air.

"Maybe you're right," Caleb declared. "I'm really not that powerful. Maybe this is all a dream."

Luke stared up at the man dressed in black, trying to see through this illusion.

"But then again, if i'm really that weak, I shouldn't be able to do this."

With a swipe of his hand, a bright light shone and a figure appeared in front of them wrapped in black coils of mist that were hard to make out in the dark.

"How about we make a trade? You for.."

The figure finally came into focus, her head of chocolate curls hanging in a frizzy mess around her face.

"Julie," Luke gasped.


Ok, wow, that's a lot. I need to stop doing this with my stories. 

Anyways, I am hoping to publish another chapter today so I will keep you guys posted. Again, thank you for sticking with me throughout all of this! 

If you haven't already, please check out other works under my name!

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